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With this, I lead the way to the destination showed by the compass and Jonathan followed close behind.

I just hope we both won't die there.


Directions were easy to follow and they directly lead us to an old dungeon inside the palace itself.

What's with me and old, cold, dark dungeons?

I really hate this place. But one thing for sure Dolus wanted us to come here. But what now?

Are we supposed to lock ourselves in or what?

"Are we supposed to lock ourselves in or what!?" Jonathan asked and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

He gave me a look and my laughter doubled.

"So, you have finally lost your mind. What am I supposed to tell Julian now?"

I can't believe we are joking like this in this dangerous situation.

This seems more like the last laugh.

Jonathan took the compass from me and started looking around for clues. I did the same.

If Dolus wanted us to come here, why isn't he here? Did I read too much in the situation? Is this compass actually nothing but bullshit?

I went deep in the dungeon.

There was a foul smell. The kind of smell that forced me to cover my nose.

Is it the smell of dead bodies? But there isn't supposed to be any dead body. This place is not real. It is just an illusion. So Dolus wants that smell here. It must mean something.

I start following the smell and reaches a small room at the end of the corridor.

The smell was coming from there but I am not going to get in there alone. "Jonathan!! Come this way!"

He came as soon as he heard me. "What?"

"What what? You don't find this smell suspicious? You are a vampire. You should have figured it out before me---------"

"What smell are you talking about?"

"This foul smell of dead! What else?"

"Rose. I can literally smell nothing."

What? How is that possible? Am I the only one who can smell it? "Is it some power of a hybrid?"

"I am not sure but we should check."

This being said he pushed open the door and stepped in before saying, "Stay behind me."

"Yes, sir! Now move."

He did and what I saw I wanted to erase from my memory.

There were dead bodies all over the place. Some were hanging with the ceiling, some were decorated on the walls, some were kept on tables and some were just lying on the ground.

Many of them didn't even have all of their limbs. Some have their heads missing and some their hearts.

"That's horrible!!" I couldn't stop myself from saying that.

"What's horrible!?"

I couldn't believe he just said that. "All of this is horrible! You think killing others like this is nothing bad?"

"What are you talking about? It's just an empty room. Let's go and try some---------"

"You can't see those dead bodies?"

"You can see dead bodies in this room??" He finally understood.

I just nodded my head.

"So there must be something you could find here. Go have a look."

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears. "I am not going anywhere near that place!!"

"You want to spend the rest of your life here or what?"

I know he is right but still......

"Don't worry. I am just beside you."

I just hold his hand tightly. "Don't let go, please." I know he is uncomfortable with this but I don't care. I don't want to be alone there. "Okay?"

"Okay... I never will."

What's with his tone?...... No, wait!! My curse!! I forgot all about that!

Uhh.... I couldn't do anything about it now so I just decided to ignore it.

We both started walking between all the dead bodies. I don't know what I am even looking for.

Then I saw something on a wall 'Those who need help will get by asking.' It was written with blood.

"But ask help from whom.......?"

"What now?"

"You can't read that either?"

"Read what?"

"It is written on this wall with blood that those who need help, will get by asking. But who should I ask? These dead people?"



"Just try it. Ask a male. You have an advantage with guys."

"You are not asking me to talk to a dead man, are you?"

"Listen, Rose." He got hold of both of my shoulders. "I know that you are afraid but you are the one who can see this stuff. This must mean something. Just try once, okay?"

I hate myself for being a coward. Jonathan can't even see any of this and is still believing me without asking questions.

I know a part of this is because of the curse that he can't say 'no' to me but still.......

I need to end it.

I bent down near one dead body and asked, "Can you help me?"

And I felt so stupid until.......

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