"You look hot, is what Harry's trying to say basically" Louis said holding back a laugh

"Uh....Harry, might not wanna flirt with the girl that has the boyfriend" I said smiling and raising my eyebrows at the Harry with the bright red face.

"Awwwwww, my Hazza is embarressed" Louis pouted from the couch

"Come here, baby" I said, embracing him in a hug

"GET YOUR SLUTTY HANDS OFF MY MAN" Louis yelled, startling me and Harry.

He ran, jumped over the couch and jumped on top of Harry, crashing them both to the ground

"What the hell, Louis!?" I practically yelled, my eyes wide

"He's MY Hazza. You already got your man. Or should I say 3" Louis smirked

"Your still my Boo Bear" Harry said sitting up and kissing Louis on the cheek

"Wait, what do you mean by 3?" I asked confused. I know he's talking about Niall and Ryder, but who's the 3rd

"You'll see" He said standing up.

Before I could ask another question there was a knock at the door.

"You ready?" Danielle asked, all giggly. 

 "Your late" I told Liam, ignoring Danielle.

"I'm sorry, Dani was getting ready" He said looking at Danielle all googly-eyed

For some reason that bothered me slightly.

"Mmmmmm" I said slipping on my sandals and walking out the door.

It seems like all Liam cares about is Danielle. If I got a dime for everytime she comes up in a conversation I'd be rich, basically. Danielle wants to do this, and Dani wants to do that. And he barley ever calls anymore. I know I could've easily called him, because its a 2 way job, but still. I thought he was my friend.

Am I getting jelous?

No, no. I shook away that thought as I got into the backseat of Liam's car. I think the couple should sit next to eachother, right?

"Bye Girls" Liam said, waving his hand at us

"Bye" I said giving him a Lilly Bear Hug.

"Bye sexy" Danielle said, kissing him full on the mouth.

I turned away and looked at the ground. Thats not something I needed to see. Ummm....PDA, much?

"Lets take this mall by storm" Danielle said hooking her arm with mine

I smiled at her



"Oh god" You girls probably bought the whole mall

"Nope, half of the bags i'm holding belong to Danielle" I said sitting inside the car.

The only things I bought were some underwear and bra's from Victoria Secrets, at Danielles request, perfume and lotions from Bed, Bath and Beyond, a bunch of shirts and skinny jeans every colour of the rainbow from Forever 21, and a Chocolete Latte from StarBucks.

Now Danielle had bought at least 5 things from every store she liked. Which is ALOT.

"I think we need to moniter you guys while you shop" Liam laughed while Danielle laughed with him.

I didn't find it funny actually. While the 2 love birds went into conversation about something thats happened to them on a date with fans or whatever, I started thinking about what Danielle asked me, when we stopped for lunch at the food court.

My Best Friend, Liam Payne (ON HOLD: CHECK BIO)Where stories live. Discover now