Issue #26...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

                “You’re a little rusty aren’t you?” Roran growled, his electric yellow eyes narrowed.

                My duel disk flashed open and I reached around the tiger’s head and drew a card as I threw it onto the field, it was White Leopardess. She roared and tackled the she-tiger to the ground. I dropped to the ground and held myself tightly—it burned so much. It roared and ripped at my duel monsters chest. She struck her again and it was twice the agony as White Leopardess roared in pain. She held her retractable claws in her as my White Leopardess vanished shuddering into smoke and returning to my deck.

                From behind in human form as I tightly grabbed a branch as I stabbed it. The tiger roared one last breath before shuddering into smoke.

                I shot Roran a glare, “What was that about being rusty?” His brow twitched in amusement as I said this finishing off the shadow creature he was against.

 Seto was standing up staring at Roran with surprise. “How did you get here?” He demanded, staring at him.

                Roran’s eyes narrowed, “I used the machine right after you left. When I had gotten there everybody was gone, so I figured you had left already.”

I turned around—behind me were my friends staring at me.

                “Hope what happened…” Breanna said softly, staring at the branch I held tightly in my hands.           

                “What do you think happened,” I breathed. I let go of the branch—blood had started  running down my side—it was too dark outside no one could see it. I stood up my hands shaking, I knew Roran could smell it, he stared at me—his electric eyes glowing at me in the night. He stared at me with worry, he could see it too. My blood was so strong he could smell it.

                “Thanks for saving Seto; Roran.” I said, gritting my teeth as I forced myself to show some gratitude to the fox.

                Seto walked up and put his hands on my shoulder. He stared at me in the eyes. “Are you okay?” He asked—he wasn’t so bad. I could smell his blood as well, I was worried he’d drop down too.

                “I have been much better.” I said calmly. He took me and wrapped his hands around my side to usher me inside.

                My body swayed as I fell to my knees, my heart faltering. “Hope!!!” Breanna and the others shouted in unison. Seto leaned over me and pulled his hand back when he felt the hot blood rush through his fingers.

                “I’ll be fine—just let’s get inside in case they come back.” I said through clenched teeth and picked myself up off the ground. My back burned so much. I could feel my blood pulse through the wound…each pounding heartbeat sent me tormenting pain. I needed to get inside. Every moment was dripping blood from my veins and if the smell grew any stronger—any of those beasts would be able to smell it a mile away.

                I stumbled and Tristan and Joey caught me. “Be careful—you don’t want to overdo it.” Tristan said and I nodded as the pain peaked to its highest point. I kept telling myself that I could get through this; that the pain wasn’t that bad. I had to pretend—otherwise everyone else would think that I was weak. In this case I was, but I had been caught off by surprise; but I didn’t want them to worry over me. I remember pain much worse than this. At least I hadn’t fully collapsed onto the ground—but the pain had brought me to my knees.

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