Chapter 9

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True to his word...

I hadn't set foot outside the house in days and I would be lying if I said it wasn't eating me alive. There's something about being enclosed in a space for a long period of time that really grows on you. The inside of the house felt more like a cage and all at once.. I was a stranger. My sleep pattern was completely shot and I couldn't even sleep in my bed... my limbs were stiff from sleeping on the hardwood floor. I must have counted fifteen hundred sheep before my body collapsed from exhaustion.

I didn't belong here...

Yuji brought food to my room but he was still upset about my day out. I was so angry I couldn't even eat and it was starting to affect me. Dialogue between the two of us...

There wasn't any. He hadn't said a word to me since that day and I was conflicted. We passed one another silently and I suspected that he was about to go on an extensive trip of sorts. I caught him setting two large duffel bags near the door. I know that he knew I was watching him. He never even looked over his shoulder but what he said next only confirmed my suspicion.

"Six days. I won't go into detail but you should be fine here. If you set foot outside of this house again with my knowledge or escort... I'll take you to the brothel myself. You're a pain in my ass... Don't fuck this up."

I blinked my tired eyes in response and he narrowed his eyes at my appearance before shaking his head. A hard rain was starting to pick up outside and I sat on the floor, rubbing my tired eyes.

I heard his car come to life outside and I exhaled a tired breath.

I had never felt so alone in my entire life.

My eyes started to blink slowly and I fell asleep against the cold tile of the floor.

The loud clicking and sliding of the locks on the front door made my eyes shoot open.

I squinted at the tallish figure and when it came closer, I rolled over, curling into myself.

"Has it been six days already, Yuji? You should've stayed longer..."
I spoke, groggily.

The figure crouched down in front of me and my body trembled at the unfamiliar man.

He was nothing at all like Yuji. Where Yuji was tall and thin, the man standing over me had more muscle mass and his short hair was gelled nicely. He stared at me blankly before grunting and walking back to the door to lock it. A briefcase was clutched in his hand and I shuddered at the thought of what might have been inside it.

I definitely wasn't going to wait to see.

I used all the energy I had to try and turn away and stealthily climb up the stairs but it was hard. My lack of exercise and physical activity had me fatigued. It was humiliating to say the least.

The man was walking behind me slowly... like an animal playing with its food. He taunted me and I stretched out my hands in an attempt to ascend the staircase.

He made a tsk sound as he loomed closer. I threw a look over my shoulder and puffed, breathing heavily.
Large hands pulled me away from the stairs and I slumped, defeated.

Damn it... if only I weren't out of shape.

"Just take me outside one last time.."
I choked out.

I started to wheeze, a headache was staring to flower. The man laid me on the couch and held my face between his hands, peering at my face curiously. He was studying me and he must have found something wrong before he cursed, shaking his head. The briefcase he had been carrying was unpatched and he went to work filling a syringe with liquid and inserting it into my arm. He taped it down and retrieved a sleek phone from his pocket. He pressed one button and we both listened to a dial tone before someone grunted on the other end. The man spoke slowly and calmly in his native tongue, flicking his eyes in my direction and chuckling.

The growling of my stomach and the pain in my abdomen was a reminder that I wasn't taking care of my body. The last thing I had eaten was half a bowl of rice and part of a grilled fish before the need to throw it all up overwhelmed me. I had been leaving all my half eaten dishes outside the sliding doors of my bedroom. Yuji collected them without comment... He didn't care if I lived or died.
I groaned in pain and the man left my side.

Whatever he had injected me with made my body feel warm and my eyelids were heavy. I was struggling to stay awake... I fought against it, afraid that when I woke up, I would be in a worse situation than the one I was currently in. The man returned with a steaming cup and he tried to help me up but I strained against him.

"N-no..! You-!"
I strained.

The man grabbed me again and pressed the cup to my lips. I turned my head away and felt a heavy sensation come over me. I was losing the fight.

"One last time... the grass..."
I started but nothing else would come out. I saw the intense glare of the man before me and succumbed to sleep.

The last thought in my head was of Yuji.

This was all his fault.
I would never forgive him. 

Damn him...

Long time no update.

How is everyone doing ?

Thank you for reading.

_Madison ❤️

Yakuza Boy: Or the Man with Painted Flesh (~Unedited~)Where stories live. Discover now