Sorry iv'e been gone

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Max: alright, Neil would you rather bang Nikki or make out with Nurf?

Neil: that is a hysterical and prudent way to start this chapter! *frowns*

Ered: woah chill, *wraps arm around Neil* you gotta take this with the floww.. we are just hangin. *lets go of Neil* and you are really sweaty..

Neil: s-sorry *scratches head embarrassed*

Preston: Sooo anybody wanna join a play of mine?

Nikki: *eyes shine* is it going to be about outside?!

Harrison: Could it be about magic?

Nurf: cutting people? *grins and grabs pocket knife* if so, I am ready to help with what you need Preston.

Preston: oh goody! *smiles and grabs a paper* its romance!

Nerris: if I may, IS THERE really magic?

Preston: No Nerris! *Nerris and Harrison groan* --buutt! There is more romance and fighting!

Max: hell no, romance is the last fucking thing I want.

Neil: Max, would you rather marry Nurf or kiss David?

Max: Marry nurf, if I even kissed David- *gags* nope hell no.

Preston: PAY ATTENTION! Who wants to be Juliet?

*everybody becomes silent*

Preston: guess I gotta choose! *grins joyfully* Nerris you will be Juliet!

Neil: i'm pretty sure Nerris is a guy.

Nerris: *is really offended* OH YEAH!? *begins to lift shirt up*

Harrison: Nerris no! *lifts her shirt down* nobody wants to see the "mess" you have.

Preston: Max you will be Romeo!

Max: *gets up* hard luck, I broke a leg. 

Ered: chicken, thought you'd be cool to kiss Nerris.

Nikki: kiss nerris?!

Preston: No it's fine, Nikki you are romeo!

Nikki: I kiss Nerris!? Oh cool!

Nerris: Iv'e never kissed a girl!

Preston: *flips hair* don't worry, iv'e kissed a bunch of girls.. it's awesome because their lips are so soft and cuddly. 

Ered: cooooll

Harrison: And what about the other characters in this story..?

Preston: oh yeah! Max you can instead, be the guy who punches Nikki, you are Nerris' dad!

Preston: And Ered, you're going to be Nikki's mother! You are the one who dresses and takes care of Nikki!

Ered: cool

Preston: hhm... Harrison you can be Nerris' ex boyfriend who tries to win back Nerris!

Neil: please dont add me-

Preston: And Neil is gonna be Nikki's ex girlfriend!

Neil: *grumbles* I dislike the idea of you putting me be with Nikki

Nikki: oh don't be so upset Neil! *wipes off some kind of potion color*

Neil: STOP. DRINKING. MY. CONCOCTIONS. *snatches the glass tube away*

Nikki: ohoho okay! ^^

Preston: now i'll be coming around tomorrow to do every scene and practice! *everybody groans as Preston throws around paper for everyone*

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