Game Time!

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The man stood in front of me and introduced himself, "my name is Coran, young man. I will be your lore master today!" He had a bright smile on and held his hand out to me. His smile was infectious... and I shook his hand. He seemed like the kind of guy who was a goofy uncle. 

When I shook his hand, he dragged me into the back and told the others to stay there until he said, and they did. Oh fuck. I would have maybe been ok with this if he hadn't dragged me to a small, closet-like space with one hanging ceiling light, like a horror movie. Ok, I might actually die here. 

He put on one of the most serious faces I have ever seen, "Whats your name, young man?"

"Uh... Keith" I said it just loud enough for him to hear me. He rummaged through a bag I hadnt noticed before and set up a really small fold up table that had been just out of sight, in the darkness I mean. "Well, Keith, what do you know about Monsters and Mana" his eyes lit up at the mention of 'Monsters and Mana', and his mustache bounced when he talked. 

He apparently got the hint that I knew nothing from the face I'd been making. He twirled his mustache in his fingers and scanned me up and down. He pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil, setting them in front of me. 

Lance pov  (ooh, been a while)

I'm so excited! I cant wait to see what kind of character Keith makes. Maybe a thief? Or... a druid? Hmm... unlikely... 

Pidge jumped up out of nowhere and hopped onto Shiro's shoulders. Shiro was definitely startled and jumped up about five feet in the air. Pidge started talking to him quietly. Oh no she wouldn't... she is not talking battle strategy! 

See, we have been doing this campaign where we think Pidge's character, Meklavar, and Shiro's character, Gyro, have been conspiring to do... something.. Hunk and I aren't sure yet, but we know it's something. Anyways- 

I was cut off when Coran told us we could come back 

Keith pov  

There was a large round table that had a booth-like seat surrounding it. Coran told me to sit there while he got the others. I'm hoping the others like my character. They walked in and took their seats, wide smiles on everyone's faces. 

They all looked at me with anticipation, and Lance kept trying to sneak peaks at my character sheet, which I kept hidden. I smirked whenever Lance pulled a pouty face because I would catch him. It was adorable. 

Even the others would try to sneak peaks while Coran was explaining how we'd meet up.

(I just wanna get this out of the way. Everyone is like the show, but since Matt didn't play before, I'm making him a tiefling bard named Elvis for my own self-indulgence)

Our characters were in a tavern and Pike had gotten into a brawl with an Orc. I broke it up by distracting the Orc with an arm wrestling contest.  The Orc and I ended in a tie (I like to think so) and soon, Gyro challenged the Orc. We wont know why. He had literally no reason to. 

I had been playing as a human warrior who was very similar to myself. I was normally creative enough but I felt rushed, seeing as I was pretty nervous and just wanted to get back to my safe space, that being my friends. After the whole orc business, I had bought the party drinks. Water and Juice for Gyro, calm down. I introduced myself as Keith, the human warrior who had been in town on a mission. I gave them nothing else. I liked being a mystery. 

The real story is that I was sent to find an assassin who had been planning to attack and kill the party, which they didn't know about it. I wasn't supposed to be on the mission, and I wouldn't have cared if I didn't find out who it was. It had been a childhood friend that betrayed my character and went down a bad path, killing his family and almost him as well but his friend had spared him. 

Coran had apparently planned to turn a future campaign into my story. He already had ideas, which was surprising. They let me tag along and they were out to find some kind of dark crystals and destroy them. They already had where the next one was and as we were leaving the town, we had been approached by an old man begging us to save his magic shop. 

After some events transpired involving a fan, chickens, a pair of dice, some pickles, and about 12 goblins, we did end up saving his shop and heading out to find the final crystal. Seeing as those events took way too long, we ended up stopping the campaign for a bit. We ended the game dying of laughter when Pike managed to befriend a pickle that had gained sentience some how. 

Now it resides in his pocket. 

I thanked Coran for the game and we all sat in the living area for a minute, calming down with some water. As we walked out of the shop, I thought about tonight, I grew more and more excited for my alone time with Lance...

908 words

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