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After I had started letting my tears flow down my face, I realized that somebody was in there with me. I froze as I realized it was one of the guys that beat me up the other day...

I felt the fear course through my veins as he picked me up by the front on my hoodie and slammed me on the wall, keeping me just a few inches off the ground.

He made a noise resembling that of a dying pidgeon and his 2 friends- also the same ones from the other day, came in. They stood next to him, waiting for his commands like a pair of robots.

They drug me out into the hall and began to beat me, not sparing any force with each punch and kick. Nobody was in the hall, other than one person. Tasha...

As the main brute held me against the wall, Tasha began to sashay towards me. She put a few seconds between each step, trying to seem a bit more frightening. It didn't work, in fact I felt nothing. I felt empty.

She got in my face, "So, I thought I told you to stay away from Lance, faggot."

I rolled my eyes and return to my blank stare, "I did. I'm pretty sure you drug him away somewhere against his will like a bitch" I said matter of factly.

I no longer had tears flowing down my face and I was no longer shaking, in fact I didn't feel any fear left in me at all. I was only numb. I felt nothing at all. She slapped me across the face once more and let the brutes, that still held me against the wall, begin to beat me.

I felt nothing as they began to hit and kick me mercilessly. I only felt the contact, no pain. I felt no pain, sadness, joy- only emptiness. I closed my eyes and just layed there as they got bored, seeing as I was having no reaction.

They eventually just left me laying there. I couldn't move and I was bleeding in some places, which I could only tell from the red liquid that seeped from parts of my legs and other various places. I only felt the cold tiled floor beneath me.

I closed my eyes but layed awake.

'Who knows, maybe if I lay here long enough, I'll just disappear...' I thought to myself. The bell rang and I still couldn't move. My blood still made small puddles of crimson liquid beneath my legs. Students began to surround me. A few looked like they were panicking and a few went looking for a teacher.

Hunk was one that went to find a teacher and Pidge and Shiro sat next to me, trying to "keep me calm", even though I wasn't freaking out. Pidge kept muttering things like "I knew there was a problem" and "I should've gone after you, it's all my fault."

Shiro would always try to convince them otherwise with every mutter that managed to make its way out of their mouth. Eventually they noticed that I was, in fact, not panicking. "Hey Keith? How come you seem... oddly calm" Shiro asked, looking quite confused.

I still lay there, unable to move. "Well, I've been completely numb sine I was pushed up against the wall, and no, I didn't hit my head hard enough to cause it. I barely hit my head at all. It started emotionally then as they began to beat me, my body went numb as well" I explained.

They shared concerned expressions and Hunk returned with a couple teachers. They gasped at the sight of my legs, crimson liguid still flowing slightly from a cew cuts that collected in puddles on the once white tiles.

"Can you move" one of them asked me. "I'm pretty sure if I could, I would've gotten up and went to class..."

One of them looked to Shiro, "can you lift him so we can take him to the nurse?" He gave a quick nod and began to pick me up. Once I was in his arms, I began to feel all of the pain that once avoided my body. It hit me all at once.

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