My Raven♡

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I take a shaky breath as I begin to speak.

"It was a long time ago..." I began, "back when I dated him" I said the word him as if it was a deadly poison, that if spoken, would kill me instantly.

-story time-

I was at the bar. I had a few drinks and I was a little tipsy. I was ordering my fourth round of shots when a guy walked up to me. He didn't look that bad and he didn't look drunk, yet that is.

"Hey cutie, mind of I join in" he had a British accent and the voice of an angel. He was taller that me and had white hair. He was a bit more tan than me but it looked nice.

"Let's see if you can keep up" I answered. "A big shot huh? Well, this is gonna be fun" his smile grew when I accepted his offer. We learned about eachother as we drank all night.

He had just moved back here from Japan. He had been an exchange student for a year.

(A/n: just realized I'm having them drink underage but I'm too lazy to go back and change it so deal with it... don't underage drink...)

We ended up exchanging numbers so we could talk more. I was completely trashed by the end of the night but somehow, he seemed perfectly sober. I geuss he had a high tolerance for alchohol.

The bar was closing and we had to go home. I was completely trashed so I was just going to walk home but he insisted that he drove me home.

Looking back on it, I probably shouldn't have let someone I just met, where I don't know if they could be a murderer, drive me home. My father was asleep so I was fine. Even if he wasn't, we would both be too drunk to do anything.

He decided it'd be better if he helped me to my bed, me being the drunken idiot I was, let him. He laid me down in bed and gave me a glass of water saying "its for the hangover you'll have in the morning."

He left and I fell asleep for the night. We ended up talking more and I got to know him better. I developed a crush on him but was too scared to ruin everything so I didn't tell him.

He came up with a nickname for me, akachan. He said it was Japanese for something but not to look it up. From then he just called me akachan and I was fine with it.

After a few months, we became really great friends, best friends in fact. We talked every day, almost all day. When we couldn't talk on the phone, one of us would go see the other.

One day, we planned to go on a walk in the park. It was snowing out but we decided to walk anyways. I put on a lighter jacket, not realizing just how cold it really was.

We had already began walking and I didn't want to head back so I didn't say anything. I started shivering and he must've noticed. He took of his jacket and put it on me.

I blushed as he did this, luckily my cheeks were already red from the cold. "What about you? Aren't you cold" I asked, looking up at him.

"I'll be fine as long as I have you" he smiled and I blushed harder. "Keith... I have to tell you something..." he started blushing a bit himself.

I looked up at him, "Keith, I... I like you.. more than just a friend."

My eyes widen in shock and I stop dead in my tracks. "You... like me" I ask him. He stops too and nods, "I shouldn't have said anything... I'm sorry-" I cut him off by giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He blushed at my sudden action and I handed him his jacket back, begining to walk back home. After a while, he stopped in front of me. "Keith... I need to know what we are..."

I thought for a bit, "what do you want to be?" He blushed a little "I... I want to date you..."

I blushed and nodded. He looked very surprised but grew a huge smile. He picked me up and spun me as we both laughed. He walked me home and we dated for a while, but I didn't tell my dad.

When I did, I decided to move out and we had a big falling out. He told me not to come back and if I did, it'd better be to "beg for forgiveness."

I ended up moving in a small cabin in the woods with him. It was nice at first but then his father died. He was always so close with him, he was devestated when he died... and that's when he started drinking...

He began getting overprotective and jealous. Then he began drinking and yelling. That turned into emotional abuse... and soon after, physical. He would never let me leave the house and he started locking me inside at all times...

One day, I was able to escape and make it here. I went back to my father and, after alot of convincing, he let me move back in.

My dad always drank, he said it was "because I have a faggot son and that's bad for my image."

I came back to escape the hurt but only followed. My dad figured maybe he could "beat the gay out of me."

-end of story time-

I didn't even realize that I started crying. I was still in an embrace by Lance but he hugged even tighter.

"Hey Keith" He asked. "Hm?"

He looked down, "if you don't mind me asking, what was his name?"

Those words were the ones I was afraid of him asking. I took a deep breath, "his name, it's a little weird but, it's Lotor..."

(A/n: sorry I didn't post yesterday, I've been sick and I still am :). Also, this chapter is a little but shorter than normal but I thought that it's better than nothing)

1033 words

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