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Yay new chapter! sorry it took so long. I was expecting to update sooner but I hurt my finger while playing field hockey and had a splint on it so it was really hard to type. But now now more splint just lots of black and blue and green (yummy i know). But i tried to make this chapter a little longer. It was interesting to right I can like totally picture what this would look like in real life and its awesome. But I would just like to thank your guys for all the support it means so so so much to me!!

hope ya like it

-Alley <3


Chapter 10: Wasted

As Liam and I went down the stairs and into the living room, I could already see the preparations for this supposed game. There were a bunch of bottles of straight up vodka, which I presumed would be our drink of choice for the night. All the boys were sitting on the floor in a circle and turned and looked at us. Once they saw me were a little confused and annoyed. But I mean would I expect anything less?

“Hey guys I thought I would see if Amy wanted to play. This girl has some interesting secrets she might share when she is a little looser.” Liam joked and I just hit his arm playfully.

“Oh don’t worry she seems pretty loose to me.” Harry retorted back with a hard look on his face. I could not help but feel some pride at the bruise I could see from under his T-Shirt on his arm.

“Alright lets get started!” Nial says trying to get past Harry’s comment.

I join them in the circle and Louis hands each of us a bottle of vodka. I can already tell this is my kind of game.

“So basically how the game works is we go around in a circle and say something we have never done before. If you have done it then you have to take a drink from your bottle. If you do take a drink you have the option to explain in more detail about what you did or take a truth or dare question. And if you still refuse than you have to chug the vodka for 30 seconds straight.” Liam explains to me.

I nod my head, seems simple enough. I do have to say I am a little nervous because I have done a lot of bad things and I really cant talk about all the things I’ve done… fuck I'm going to get really drunk.

Nial starts out the game; “never have I ever gotten arrested.”

I cringe as I look around and see that Zayn and Harry take a swig of their bottle. I reluctantly do as well. I can feel the burning sensation slide down my throat. It’s a good sensation because I at least feel something.

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