'Till I Collapse

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Dedicated to lovebug94715 for liking my story enough to complain that i have not updated.... even though you commented that like 2 months ago this is me apologizing <3


Chapter 8- ‘Till I Collapse

We finally got back to the house and the air seemed weird between everyone. I hate silence, when silence comes brains start to think and I would rather much do stupid shit and ignore my brain.

“So what’s next on the schedule?” I say breaking the silence

“We have fitness with our new trainer today” said Nial the only one nice enough to answer.

“Oh cool! Mind if I guys join you? I could use a workout.” I see Louis snort at me and I frown.

“We are doing self-defense stuff today I don’t think you’re tough enough for this class why don’t you sit it out.” He says as he attempts to pat my head but I move away before he can.  

“Are you serious?!? Please I can handle myself trust me.” stupid boys and their egos.

“Lets let her join us so she will stop nagging us and then she will learn and never ask again.” Harry says as he smirks.

I roll my eyes at him and go upstairs to change into workout clothes. They are so stuck up they think they know everything but they know absolutely nothing. I come back down stairs in my sports bra and Nike pros ready to kick some but. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Elliot walking in. he see’s me and smiles at me.

“Well look what we have here?” he says giving me a once over

I shake my head at him and reply, “I’m going to join you today I have not kicked any ass in a couple days and I really need to break a sweat” I do some quick punches in the air to show him I'm all ready.

“These boys have no idea what they got themselves into when they said yes” he shakes his head and chuckles “don’t go too hard don’t want to blow are cover now.” We walk into the gym area together where the boys are waiting for us as Elliot whispers in my ear “and I know another way to get you to break up a sweat” he winks and I gag in response and slap his arm.

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