Rooting For My Baby

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  • Dedicated to Rihanna

Hi all!! I was not going to write today AT ALL but because it is Rihanna's B-Day and she is inspiration for my main character I thought it only right to update. So if i Fail my french test tomorrow we all know why! Well this is dedicated to you RiRi because you are such a badass I can only dream of being as cool as you. Hope you have a kick ass party!


P.S this is the first chapter where the characters start writing songs! yay! so far i have only put up songs that fit Amy/ Kitty's character but now it's in the story!

I HIGHLY RECOMEND LISTENING TO THE SONGS BECAUSE THEY ARE THE INSPIRATION FOR A LOT OF MY WRITING (and i might not write all the lyrics because they are repetivite and too long) 



I wake up covered in sweat and panting. And I know why. Of course I know fucking why. It’s the same reason I have not had a solid good nights rest without medication in 2 years. It’s the same dream every time and its like I am right back there reliving it over and over.

I wish I could relive a good memory wake up every morning smiling thinking about the good times but no it has to be the most excruciating thing I have ever had to go through. That’s what I relive every night.

I look at the clock and see that the time is 5 in the morning, meaning I only got 4 hours of sleep. Which relatively is not too bad. Being an agent I have been trained to be able to function while sleep deprived because you could be in a situation that if you even rest your eyes for too long you end up dead. That’s probably the only reason I am able to function through most days. Otherwise I would be a real life walking zombie.

I get out of bed and walk into my bathroom and hop into the warm soothing shower. After I have that nightmare I always take a shower to try to scrub the images off my body. It usually does not work and I end up with red irritated skin but it does help me take out some frustrations.

Once out of the shower I put on some light music as I fix myself get dressed as slowly and peacefully as possible knowing I have loads of time before the boys wake up.

I look to the clock and see that it is now 7 so I decide to make myself a bowl of cereal. I walk down to the kitchen and pull out the first cereal box I see and the milk. I also decide to make some coffee because the northeast (New England in USA FYI) girl inside me cant say no my coffee addiction. I would rather have iced coffee but hot coffee will do just fine. I love iced coffee I drink it while its snowing and 15 degrees Fahrenheit or if its 90. That is just another northeastern thing to do I guess.

After I'm done eating its about 7:45. I decide I that should now put those cameras around the bottom floor of the house and sensors on the doors and windows before any of the boys wake up and the sooner the better. I quickly go get them from my room and place them in places I know the boys or any intruders will not see. I also decide to put a sensor that is filled with sleeping gas and one a bomb so if worse comes to worse I could set them off. I sigh as I finally completed the task and I will have to check to see if they are functioning tonight and see if I can get a good view out of the camera.

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