Chapter 15

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A/N:Warning:Self harm and self hate

Jungkook had kept to himself all the way back to Seoul.He didn't talk to anyone except occasionally nodding to Hoseok's questions.Jin had a huge headache cause of the hangover.His eyes were red too.Jin had gone straight to bed once they got  home.Yoongi went off to kitchen to cook some hangover soup for Jin.Jungkook had disappeared as well.Taehyung was sitting with his legs on the tea-table,silently browsing through his phone and not even caring to change his clothes.

"Feet off the table,Tae",Namjoon said as he went around him to grab juice from the fridge.Taehyung put his feet down without looking up,only to put it back once Namjoon left.
"Do we have anything else for today?",Hoseok asked in an uncertain tone and Namjoon shook his head sipping his juice.Then said,"Nothing for the next two days,But the counsellor will start his sessions soon"

Hoseok just nodded and before he left,he reached for Namjoon's shoulder.He said,"I have always trusted you,I'll follow you anywhere even if it's to death.I know you hid it from us for a reason.I trust you"
Hoseok left a shook Namjoon behind.Those words,it meant the world to Namjoon that his friend trusts his actions eventhough he didn't know why.Maybe they all deserve to know the truth.When time comes,he will let them know.His phone ringing knocked him back into his senses,It was an unknown number.

"Hello..",He said.
"Namjoon,It's me,Seo Joon hyung"
"Oh...what is it, hyung?",Namjoon said unsure why Seo Joon hyung called him instead of Taehyung.Seo Joon was one of Taehyung's close friends.Taehyung usually goes out with them whenever his schedule allowed,atleast once a month.

"Can we take Tae out for some days?",Seo Joon said,clearly asking for permission.
Namjoon didn't expect Seo Joon to ask him that,he fell silent.Seo Joon spoke again,now his voice more concerned,"He's not talking well to any of us,We are worried.We miss him -"
Maybe it was cause Namjoon felt Seo Joon's voice broke or felt Taehyung needed a change of atmosphere,be around cheerful people.Namjoon said yes.

"I'll pick him up in the evening with Hyunshik.I'll text him"
"Yeah, Namjoon"
"Take care of him"
"Don't worry,He's my little brother too"

With that,the call was cut.Namjoon felt like a thousand arrows pierced into his chest,It was a good thing indeed.Taehyung needs to be taken care of and people are there for him,but Namjoon felt like he was a failure.Why couldn't his brother lean onto him? Where did he go wrong?He shut himself in the bathroom,slowly sliding down to the floor,grabbing his hair tightly.He threw his head back against the wall and stared at the ceiling.He let himself slowly into that memory he had closed shut,travel to that night.He gave in.

"Hyu..Hyung..Hyung",That was what Namjoon woke upto through his phone as he dozzed off in his studio.Jimin was trying hard to breath,let alone speak.

"What's wrong,Jiminah?",He breathed out.
"I ..I don't know what I did..I,...There's blood .. everywhere"
Namjoon's heart hammered against his chest,he could literally hear it.

"Where are you right now,Jimin stay with me..Jimin"
"I..don't remember...I,Hyung...Help me,I didn't mean to do it"

Namjoon breathed in trying to gain a  mental stability and said,"Hang on,I'll find you..Just stay"

Namjoon ran out to their office keeping Jimin in line and picked up the reception phone and waited for Jin to pick his call up.A sleepy voice came from the other side.

"Hyung,It's me Namjoon"
"Why are you calling from offi-"
"Hyung,Where is Jimin?"
"He was in his room",Namjoon could hear Jin get off the bed and the sound of slippers against the floor.Namjoon took this time to make sure Jimin is on the other side,but his voice was low,barely breathing.

"He isn't here,nowhere in the house",Jin said in a panicked voice.
"What happened Namjoon?What's wrong?"
"Call his manager,ask him if he knows.We need to find him soon"
"Hyung,there's no time..He's dying-"
That's all it took Jin to act,He didn't know what's happening.Where Jimin was or when he left the home.He knows his brother is in danger and that was good enough reason.He pulled a coat over him and got into his car simultaneously calling Jimin's manager.Namjoon had dashed out too still calling out to Jimin,getting in to this security's car.


The door slammed against the wall as three men forced their way in.They spread out to search the apartment.

"NAMJOON!!",Jimin's manager,Il sung called out and that sound had Namjoon's heart in his throat.Jin and Namjoon dashed to the bathroom and what they saw,what he saw,Only if they could be taken over by the gift of forgetting but no, it will stay imprinted.

Jimin was lying on the cold floor,water overflowing the tub with his blood.Blood streaming down his legs from the fresh cuts on his thighs,his clothes were soaked and he was shivering.His head had hit and a red blotch remained.His eyes were half open,and lips parted.He was dying as he mumbled something.

Namjoon could hear his name being called repeatedly from a distance.From far away,an alarmed tone.Someone needed him,Someone needs his help.Suddenly someone shook him vigorously,It was Jin.
" Namjoon,get the car.What happened to you?We have to save him",Jin practically screamed slapping Namjoon back to reality.Namjoon turned around,quick on his feet to get to the car.SeokJin and Il Sung Hauled Jimin up.The ride to hospital was all Il Sung and Jin calling out to Jimin.Il Sung repeatedly wiping the blood off Jimin's leg as Jin hugged Jimin's head,his tears flowing out to Jimin's face.

Il sung had gone out to call Sejin,while Namjoon sat on the floor infront of the emergency ward,looking down at his hands.Jin came down to sit with him.His own hands bloody.The phone rang and he saw Taehyung's name flash across it.He gulped and took a deep breath.

"Oh Hyung,where did you three go?and why is Jimin and Namjoon hyung not picking up their phones?"

Jin slowly turned to look at Namjoon who shook his head slowly.
"We..we just went to buy gifts for Hobi's birthday ",Jin made up something hoping Taehyung would buy it.

"Really..Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause..cause if we all go together,he will be suspicious,right?"
"Oh ...oh yeah but that stupid Jimin said we'll go together,I'll kill him when he gets home.Also hyung -"

"Oh Hyung"
"Go to sleep and take care of the others for me"

Taehyung didn't say anything for a while and spoke,"Yeah,Come soon hyung,I can't hold the fort longer without you captain".
Jin cut the phone and dropped it and let himself break.He cried,his sobs breaking the calm interior of the hospital.Namjoon put his hands over him,letting him scoot over and thus they sat,waiting for the night to pass,A new day to come.

A sharp knock on the toilet door alarmed Namjoon where he was.
"Namjoonah,Come eat something",It was Hoseok.
Yeah,I guess food always helps.

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