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The meeting commenced as Manik and Nandini sat opposite to each other revising the content they have formed for this meeting and practicing out their individual parts for the meeting.
The door's opened introducing the three deligates or precisely the three generations of the Cunningham family.
Mr. Benjamin Cunningham, the eldest of the three
Mr. Francis Cunningham, his son
Mr. Simon Cunningham, the youngest of this clan and the most charming one. Also the most influential bachelor of the town.

Manik and Nandini greeted them with bright smiles and professional handshaking segments while Simon came ahead and introduced himself to Nandini with utmost serenity and damn that hotness that even Manik Malhotra was burning with fire, the fire of him standing so close to Nandini. But why Manik?

Nandini was all kind to him and excited to start this venture with them so soon. All this was so much to take in for Manik that he decided to get in himself and distance this handsome bachelor off of his soon to be wife, woah good slow going manik.

"Hi i am Manik Malhotra." Manik introduced himself.
"Simon Cunningham. Shall we start the meeting now. I need to be somewhere soon." Simon said shaking his hand.
"Simon, we are here for a meeting shall we attend that first." his father eyed him.
"Let it be Francis. Always pestering him. Moreover this is his age to go out an fun but you keep dragging him into meetings after meetings. Right kids?" Mr Benjamin laughed.
"I do agree to that sir." Manik joined in.
"No thank you because if you keep giving too much freedom to these guy then ofcourse they'll go out and have too much fun." Nandini murmured under her breath. A light chuckle left Manik's mouth while Nandini gave an annoying smile to him.

"Let's get started now." She insisted looking at her watch. The meeting paced as Nandini explained every bit of her part in detail. Manik wanted to watch her while her lips synchronized with the slide behind but all he could think about was the intense gaze of Simon over her. The way he carefully studied every feature of her well not in a vulgar manner but still who was he to eye his girl. Manik coughed a hell lot of times to divert his gaze during the whole meeting that for sure now everyone in that room was sure that he had some kind of an infective disease.

The meeting soon ended and it was time for their final adiue. Manik somewhere felt a tinge of happiness in his heart when he thought of Simon departing away from Nandini but he wasn't expecting the next move that happened.

"You were really good there." Simon complimented.
"Really?" Nandini asked hopefully, she's heard so much about Simon and his achievements that such small complment meant alot.
"You sound shocked? why is that?" Simon asked.
"Well such compliments coming out of your mouth is a huge thing for me." Nandini accpeted honestly.
"Oh common Miss singhania, it's nothing. Moreover i am an amatuer in such stuffs, all i care about is my designs since such kind of meetings are not my cup of tea." he said smiling at her, coming closer he whispered to her in a low voice so as to avoid his father and his grandfather, " I feel so out of the place in such situations."
Nandini laughed it out. He was a true gentleman and hence proved the magazine wrote it right he was the most down to earth hot bachelor.

"So i was thinking, shall we grab a cup of coffee?" Simon asked.
"Excuse me?" said a confused Nandini.
"Woah, don't get me wrong. It's not a date or anything just that you do have a vast knowledge of all of this and i want a true review about my current design work." Simon cleared the misunderstanding as he took a step back.
"Oh please you make me sound a professional and reviewing your design is that even possible." Nandini gave a small laugh taken aback by his trust.
"Was that a yes or a no?" Simon raised his brow in question. From a distance Manik's raged increased with every passing sentence exchanged between the two new friends and he had to intervene now.

"Actually she can't." Manik answered on her behalf as Nandini mounthed a " are you serious to him" which he quite enthusiastically ignored, "We need to get back home for the wedding festivities with our family." he added.

"Your wedding?" Simon asked.
"Yeah wee are getting married." Manik replied proudly.
"Hey!! Why didn't you tell me before. Congratulations." Simon exressed his pleasure.
"Thank you." Nandini replied with a smile.
"Shall we leave?" asked Manik holding her hand.
"Yeah just a minute." Nandini replied to him before turning to Simon, " Simon?"
"Are you in anyway free after 5?" she asked hoping for a yes and he was.
"Ofcourse i am."
"Great then text me the address of where you want to meet me. Oky?" she said.
"Sure. So see you soon and once again congratulations to the both of you." The Cunningham's left as Manik turned to Nandini but before he could say something she stopped him, " Don't even think about it, we are not talking on this. We're not even married yet and you already have rules."

Nandini left the room in huff while Manik kept staring at her retreating figure. How the hell is he supposed to stop his soon-to-be wife from going on a date with the hottest bachelor of town! Well not typically a date here , he knows that but after all the mistakes that he's made. He cannot risk letting Nandini go out and realise that she deserves better.

Mutually Married (#1)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now