Chapter Seventy-Two: Venom

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Indie's Point of View:

          "Baby, I just wanted to protect you, my sweet girl." I heard a feminine voice echo in the distance. I peeled open my swollen eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. I was only faced with a bright shining light. I sat up suddenly, seeing that I was in a white room. There was no end to this room, no corners, no furniture. It was just an abyss, sort of like the ocean. I felt panic rise in my chest, making me choke on my own spit as I tried to get in touch with reality. "Hello?" I called out after a few moments, wanting to hear the voice again. It was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. I stood up, looking down at myself. My skin was pale, all of the color washed away from it. I was wearing a white dress that was knee length, and my hair was straightened and falling at my waist. I ran my hands up and down my arms, my skin cold and lifeless.

I heard loud footsteps, making me snap my head around in the direction from which they were coming from. "Hello?" I asked, my heart now in my throat. I crossed my arms over my chest in a protective stance. There was a cold gust of air in the room, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion. My heart lurched when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. For a few moments, I was too scared to turn around and to see who was touching me. Instead, I just saw a veiny hand — obviously a woman's hand. I finally built up the courage to turn around, my legs feeling wobbly beneath me.

"Indigo, my sweet Indigo..." It was my birth mother, Ancillary. I shuddered at her cold touch, backing away from her. Her face distorted into a look of anger, her eyes piercing my soul. One of them was a light blue, as clear as the sky. Pure. The other was black, so black and full making it impossible to see the whites of her eyes.

"Come with me, my sweet love." She beckoned, reaching out for my hand. I shook my head vigorously, tears welling in my eyes. "I'm the Luna. I had duties to fulfill, I need to get back to Thaddeus." Thinking of Thaddeus made my heart only lurch more. Plus, I wasn't only the Luna for my county, but for the entire world. I had things to do, people to protect. My chest began to ache as the thought of Thaddeus invaded my mind more and more. I missed him dearly, I needed him. When was the last time I saw him? My mind was so blurry, I felt confused and out of place. It was like a high that you couldn't escape. As soon as those words left my mouth, her face contorted into one of anger.

"You are one of the last pure blood witches, and you choose to be with a were. You choose to be with someone whose ancestors battled us for years upon years. They have our blood on their hands! And you find this acceptable? To love him?" She roared, slamming down her bare foot. The entire room seemed to shake angrily, confusing me further. Where was I? How was she so powerful? Before I could say anything else or ask any questions as to what was happening, she roughly grasped my arms, tugging me alongside her. I tried to pull away, but her grip only tightened. Her sharp nails dug into my bicep, drawing blood. Eventually, I stopped resisting — fearful that she would only harm me further.

We walked for what seemed like hours, my bones starting to ache. All around us continued to be pure white, and it seemed like we were walking in circles. I could feel my legs and eyes begin to heavy, before we came to a stop. I slowly lifted my head, shocked from what I saw around me.

I looked around, now surrounded by people — all in white dresses and white suits. They looked happy and peaceful, all chattering amongst themselves and smiling. I was greeted by a group of women, all with the same piercing eyes as my mother. They all stood and kissed each of my cheeks, along with my forehead, individually. I felt a strong discomfort and wanted to sink into the floor.

"You have to be here with us, Indigo. You were meant to be here with us. Stop resting your heart within someone who doesn't value how powerful you are." Ancillary stroked my cheek with her ice cold hand, making me feel sick to my stomach. "You don't know anything about Thaddeus, or how he loves me. Never, ever speak on behalf of my relationship." I spat out, causing the enormous group of people to go quiet. The boys and girls hid behind their mothers, fearful and bewildered by the venom that dripped maliciously from my words. My mother's eyes were as large as the moon, as she studied me calmly. Now that we were in front of people, she didn't yell or grab me roughly.

"Go away. You have no room to dictate my life. You didn't raise me, you didn't love me. As soon as I did something you weren't particularly fond of, you jumped into my life. You were never there when I needed you the most, when I needed to not feel alone. Do you have any idea how scary it is to be able to read minds and not be able to tell anyone about it, let alone, if you do; them not believe you? No, you don't have any clue as to what it's like. You had loving parents who supported you and understood. I had no one. I had to battle this all on my own."

Her mouth fell open in shock, her eyes becoming glossy with tears. For a moment, I felt a twinge of guilt begin to burn it's hole in my chest, but I quickly pushed it away. I closed my eyes tightly, squeezing them shut as I counted backwards from ten.

This wasn't real, this was just a dream.

This wasn't real.

And then, I felt my eyes open. This time, my mother wasn't in front of me. It was Thaddeus.

authors note:

thank you all for your votes and reads, this story is really taking off. however, His, Eternally is coming to an end — which is breaking my heart. i felt myself tear up as i was writing this. it has been such an honor to write for all of you and share my wild, inspired imagination as well as tell an absurd romance story. there will be a few more chapters, so don't fret. i love you all very much, please vote and comment. don't be a silent reader, i love to hear from you!

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