Chapter Forty-Four: Men In Black

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Indie's Point of View:

Everything felt like a stop-motion movie, the events unfolding before me moving in slow motion. The man that had come by, accompanied by many other men, spoke in Latin to Thaddeus — leaving me dazed and confused. I was concerned due to the words of the male pack members, stating I was "endangered." However, I didn't let myself get too upset — at first. I knew Thaddeus would never let me get hurt. But then, I cried out in protest as Thaddeus roughly grabbing my arm. His hand roughly wrapped around my bicep; to the point of almost leaving me with bruises. My panic heightened immensely. I was completely lost, and no one would tell me what was going on. Thaddeus' entire aura was switched, as now he was aggressive and angry. I was in shock, this stress suddenly feeling all too overwhelming.

For God's sake, this entire situation was about me, and they weren't even telling me what was going on! "Indie, you must listen to me now," Thaddeus grabbed me roughly by the shoulders, my eyes wide and terrified. The other pack members stood around, looking much like a Men In Black movie scene. "You will be very angry with me, but I must do this to protect you." Before I could reply, he roughly moved my hair to the side. I looked up at him, his stature towering over mine. My eyes were crazy and frantic, as I felt my chest begin to close in due to Thaddeus' stressed-out state. I placed my hands on his chest, tears welling in my eyes.

I screamed his name, my clouded thoughts suddenly being cut off as I felt two sharp structures puncture into my skin deeply. Thaddeus held me down easily, pinning my wrists above my head as I kicked ferociously. I felt hot blood trickle down my neck, into the dip of my collarbone. My body was on fire, feeling as if I were being burned alive. I kicked at him as much as I could, scared for my life as the excruciating sensation traveled throughout my entire body. Tears began to relentlessly pour down my face, making lose strands of hair stick to my cheeks. Who was this man I thought could've I loved? I started hiccuping, my breathing uneven. What the fuck was going on?

"Thaddeus, what are you doing?" I cried out, not caring that approximately ten men were watching me right now with stern, deadpan faces. They probably thought I was some weakling, but I couldn't care less. He hurt me. His eyes were a golden brown, speckled with a deep, unfamiliar blood-red.

He withdrew from me, now holding my arms sternly. "Indie, you must do everything these men say." I shook my head vigorously, holding on tight to him. Feeling his shoulders, feeling his skin... it made me resentful. I pulled my hands away from him, taking long strides back until I hit the wall. A felt a panic attack coming on, my body trembling. I felt like a stupid, stupid little girl. I knew this was all too good to be true. He grabbed my face sternly, and in response I struck him across the face. His head only turned a few degrees from my impact, making me cry even harder. He grabbed my wrist, holding it in mid-air.

"Indie, you must!" He roared, causing my entire house to shake. The men stood behind him, unaffected by my distressed state and Thaddeus' rage. I blinked, and within that split second, Thaddeus was gone. He was gone, he left me like this. He marked me, without my consent; and left. Two of the men looked at me, grabbing both of my arms. I kicked again, my legs swinging in the air as they held me back. I roared my head, spitting in one of their faces. How dare they touch me like this, how dare Thaddeus leave me, how dare they not tell me what was going on?

"I am sorry, Luna."

With that being said, I felt a long needle stick into the back of my neck.

I peeled my eyes open, being blinded by the white lights that filled the room. I winced, pulling myself out of the bed as I felt my head pound. This was not my bed, this was not a dream. I pulled my knees to my chest, my heart drumming against my ribcage. I blinked rapidly, trying to gather my thoughts. I gasped when I heard the door creek open, making me shift my position back further until my back hit the headboard. I heard a few knocks, before a man greeted me. He was wearing a white suit, much like a doctor — except on the right breast-picket there was a crescent moon symbol.

"Luna." He bowed, making me scoff. He looked up at me, as I studied his face. He had a shaved head, high cheekbones, and a pointed nose. His chin was strong, his eyes were a dark, ocean blue color — he was intimidating. I knew he was a wolf as well, due to his skin tone, lean stature, and almost unnatural height. He was seemingly unaffected by my crude response, as he took a few steps closer. I moved back, lifting a hand to him.

"Do not."

"Luna, I need to check for any abrasions. Are you feeling any pain?" He took the stethoscope off of his neck, taking another risky stride towards me. "I am not here to hurt you, no one is." My weak body gave in, feeling too weary to try and fight back. My legs were sore from the kicking, and my neck was tender from the needle. He pressed it against my chest, listening attentively. He then sloppily wrote something down on a white sheet of paper attached to a clipboard, before pulling on gloves. The snap of the latex hitting his wrist startled me. He carefully lifted my wrists, examining them and then writing some more. It was irrational, I knew he hadn't done anything wrong — but I still wanted to sock him in the face.

"What is going on?" He continued his work, messily jotting illegible notes down on the documents.

"As your Luna, you will tell me what's going on." I hissed. Right in that moment, I sounded like the biggest, most condescending jackass alive... but I couldn't care less. Hell, I never thought that I would pull the "Luna" card — given that I don't even truly know what it entails.

His eyes darted up to mine, looking at me intently. He clenched his jaw, looking almost as if he was having an internal battle within his mind. His eyes moved across the room, avoiding direct eye contact.

"The witches, they are coming for you. They want to take you back."

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