Chapter Thirteen: Deep Sleep

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I'm spamming you guys with updates! I can't help it, I have so many ideas for this book and they're all so thought out. To say I'm excited is an understatement :)

Thank you for 1,000 views already, you guys are so wonderful and I love each and every one of you. Wherever you are, I hope you're having an amazing morning/ afternoon/ evening. Also, in a part of this chapter Thaddeus speaks in latin, if it's wrong then please forgive me lol. :')
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Indie's Point of View:

My alarm clock blared, jolting me from my deep slumber as I groaned, agitated. The sun was beginning to rise, but it was raining hard — making me want to curl back under my covers and sleep some more. I stretched, a little squealing noise emitting from my lips as I extended like a cat waking from a nap. "Sleep well, little one?" I clutched my chest immediately, almost letting a shrill scream ring through the air before I realized it was just Thaddeus. Memories of the previous night came rushing back into my mind, like a broken dam releasing water forcefully.

"I forgot you were here, I'm sorry." I wrapped the blanket further around me, my face flushing when I felt the leather jacket still wrapped around me. The same smell hit my nose, making me want to hum in approval. His smell was like a drug, calming me down and relaxing my muscles. I pulled it closer to me when he looked away, hoping he wouldn't see me smelling his jacket like a psychopath.

Thaddeus' Point of View:

On the swinging bench, I could tell Indie began to drift off to sleep to the sounds of the wind blowing. Rain began to trickle, streaming off her roof as she pulled my jacket further around her to keep her warm in her sleep. My wolf was purring and yipping excitedly, while I viewed how beautiful she was. My jacket was long on her, completely covering her small frame. I smiled slightly when she curled down, putting the sleeve-clad wrist to her nose. If she knew what she was doing right now.... I could picture her face flushing severely. She shuddered in her sleep, and I saw goosebumps rise on the bottoms of her legs. 'She's cold, dumbass...' My wolf said, snapping me back into reality. I scooped her into my arms, trying to calm my wolf down. As I was walking her to her room, she placed her tiny hand on my heart. Just that small gesture had me and my wolf in a frenzy, making me have to clench my jaw to resist the urge to kiss her heart-shaped face.

"My, my, little one... Quae feceris mihi parvulus." [You are doing things to me]. I laid her in her bed, her scent now overwhelming as I pulled the duvet over her. 'If you just got in, she would be plenty warm...' My wolf taunted me. She looked so comfortable, and a small smile was on her lips. As soon as my arms left her body, she let out a groan of disproval.

"Please don't leave."

My heart soared hearing her small voice say those few words, and in my head I could hear my wolfing howling in appreciation. I wanted so badly to stay, to be here, so I could protect her even further than I already had been the previous days. Although my excitement was overbearing, I needed to control myself around her. "I will be right here, Indie." I would never get tired of her name. "Mm-kay." Her hair was tousled, making me want to growl in excitement as I noticed her bedhead. I sat beside her as she slept, watching her chest move up and down as I studied her breaths. Her breath hitched often in her sleep, her eyebrows furrowing — I could tell me she was having a bad dream, and she shifted in her bed before making a slight whimpering noise. She would mutter incoherent words in her sleep, My heart felt like it was squeezing, seeing her so stressed in just her sleep. I attempted to hold myself back from smoothing the small crease between her brows, but the more she whimpered the more I wanted to crawl into bed with her. I didn't even care if the covers were over me, I didn't care if I could feel her beautiful legs against me — her being in a small proximity as me was exhilarating alone.

I pressed my hand against her face as she whimpered one last time, relaxing under my touch. Her face softened, her eyebrows slackening and frown diminishing. My hand covered the entire side of her face, causing me to practically hold her head, making me smile slightly. She was so small, so beautiful. Her curls draped over my hand, making my arms darken with love and just. I attempted to remove my hand, much to my distaste, for I didn't want her to wake up and feel as if I were overstepping my boundaries. As I pulled away slowly, she grabbed my wrist, muttering a "no" as she continued to hold my palm to her cheek.

I moved the chair I was sitting in closer to her bed, inching the pillow closer to her as I kept one hand stroking her jaw. Her hand stayed near her chin, almost as if she were ready to grasp my wrist if I moved too far away again.

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