Chapter Forty-Three: Standards

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Thaddeus' Point of View:

         I watched her toss around in her sleep, smiling to myself. The white duvet was engulfing her small body, her dark hair messily fanned across the pillow. She looked like sleeping beauty — her cheeks tinted rouge, her lips bitten and swollen, her eyelashes long and dark. The freckles that splattered her face like stars in the night sky were more prominent, due to the sun coming up and hitting her glowing skin. I watched with adornment as she scrunched her brows up, mumbling incoherent words in her sleep. I reached over the bed to grab my phone, but Indie grabbed my hand in protest. I chuckled softly, not wanting to wake her.

I felt my eyes blacken as she shifted her position under the covers, exposing the spot right above her cleavage. There was a purple love bite on the top of her left breast, given by me. Vivid memories of the night before crosses my mind for the umpteenth time; as it had the entire evening. As Indie slept sound-fully, I kept remembering how it felt to make love to her. She was so unique — her body reminding me of what I'd envision a goddess to look like. Her skin was soft and supple, fitting against mine like a puzzle piece that I had yearned for for so long. I was completely and utterly in love with her; but I felt shameful using that term. 'Love' didn't seem like an intense enough choice of vocabulary to describe my feelings for her. I listened to her calm breath, which hitched when her eyes peeled open.

Her abstract eyes were glimmering with happiness, as she smiled at me. I heard her pulse begin to quicken, along with the birds chirping outside. "I'm in a dream, I'm convinced." Her voice was raspy with sleep. I pressed a kiss to her soft naturally red lips, holding either side of her face with my palms. She snuggled further into my chest, wrapping her arms around me — like she was holding on for dear life. I didn't mind, however — her squeeze was minuscule, and my wolf was yipping in happiness. Getting to her heart seemed like an impossible task; but I had finally done it. I felt relief, to say the least.

She traced the muscles of my chest with her fingertips absentmindedly, calming me down further. "You're really, like, ripped."

I chuckled from her remark, I loved seeing her be so playful and open. I took a lock of her beautifully messy hair and twirling it around my finger. "Thank you, Indie." I shuddered as she moved her fingers over my collarbones, her touch delicate and gentle.

"I'm kind of jealous. I'm all squish. There's no muscle in me." She laughed, poking at her stomach and hips underneath the duvet. I frowned, and although she was merely joking — I would not tolerate any self-deprecating jokes. She was beyond beautiful.

"And what's wrong with squish? I don't see any issue in it. You are stunning." She shrugged, her face turning bright red from my compliment.

"I just get... insecure. Everyone in your pack is so muscular, and terrifying, to be honest. Your sister, even. I feel so out of place. I probably look weak and weary to them. Everyone else looks like a Sports Illustrated model."

"Indie..." I sighed, looking into her two-toned eyes. "Your presence and assertiveness could make even the strongest, most terrifying wolf tremble — even if you simply looked at them. You are so strong, your exterior is hard and stubborn. You emit dominance. The women in my pack absolutely adore you, especially when you told me off in front of everyone. Women have this... set place, in the werewolf community. They stay home, care for the pups and cook. It's a revolting stereotype, and it must be reversed. I believe you've inspired some were-women. They are taught, since young girls, to submit to their husbands — or their wives, who are more "powerful" than them."

"Patriarchy." She hissed, scrunching her nose. I nodded, grimacing.

"I'll try my best to reverse that. Just know, if I see any men talking down to their spouses then I will lose it. It's 2018! Absolutely despicable." She rolled her eyes, smacking a palm to her forehead.

            Indie dozed off again after our conversation, still pressed tightly against me. I tried my best to ignore the lustful thoughts that had seemed to overridden me; the exposed curve of her waist making it nearly impossible. Her right leg was draped over my hip, barely covered. She groaned, moving my hand to her thigh — making me smile. I squeezed gently, feeling her soft skin underneath my hands. How could I tell her I loved her so dearly? In the movies, when one admitted their love for another; it was romantic. Fireworks exploding in the background, dramatic music playing. I traced my fingers along her curves, goosebumps rising on her creamy skin. I suppressed a growl from escaping, loving how close she was to me.

I could not stop thinking about the previous night — making love to her. It pained me that I had hurt her enough to draw blood, but I planned on pampering her as much as she could handle. I fit inside of her like a puzzle piece, our bodies seemingly melting together like broken molds of a candle. I remembered her face vividly, the O-shape her mouth fell in, the quiet moans. How good she tasted. Pleasing her was something else — it put me and my wolf in state of euphoria.

"You're looking at me." She said sleepily against my chest.

"Mhm." I whispered lowly, pressing kisses to her neck. She moaned slightly, urging me on. I moved lower beneath her, pressing kisses to the tops of her supple breasts. I felt her hands entangle in my hair, making me growl in response. I grabbed the dip of her waist lightly, trailing wet kisses down her belly. I sucked at her skin right above her navel, loving the way her soft skin felt against my mouth. I clenched my jaw, trying to control my thoughts. I couldn't lose control around her. She was undeniably the most beautiful woman in the world — her body hourglass, her thighs thick and pleasureful to grab onto. Her breasts were soft, fitting in my palms perfectly. I wanted to worship her, thanking the moon goddess for giving me such a beautiful mate; inside and out. She gasped as I kissed lower, right underneath her bellybutton.

Her legs instinctively wrapped around my head, making me breathe in her delicious scent. I felt my eyes blacken as I took her in, the spot between her legs looking like a newly-bloomed pink rose. I licked her inner thighs, making her curvy hips buck towards me. Before I reached her sex, in which I yearned so heavily to taste again, there was a knock at the door. I growled loudly, making Indie jump in fear. I ignored the knock, pressing my mouth against her sensitive spot. Indie shook her head, moaning loudly as she tried to collect herself. I sucked and licked, her legs trembling as I took in her taste like it was the most delectable meal. Indie pulled my face up, her skin flushed. "Thaddeus, you must get that. Someone is here." I shook my head, returning back to between her legs. "It can wait," I growled out, burying my face between her thighs. She moaned again, giggling lightly. "Thaddeus, go get it." I growled while pulling a sheet over her; feeling overcome by rage. Whoever interrupted this would be slaughtered, mercilessly. How dare they?

I pulled on basketball shorts, and I'm sure Indie could see the metaphorical smoke coming from my ears.

"Alpha, please. There is an issue, one that could put Luna in danger. I'm sorry, please open the door."

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