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Taehyung POV

So these b_tches up and left me? How the h_ll do they expect me to find them? I ain't no god. I understand the cops were coming and obviously you cant just yell 'I'm a fricking werewolf' to the whole world. But are you serious?

I'm not doing ao well anyway. I mean I practically just.. well.. I saw stuff and well that thing called PTSD is a scary thing. I'd rather not relive those moments.

Although it isn't so bad, at least I get to see the city as I walk. Well if neighborhood streets count.

I fled after seeing the first police car, I really didnt feel like trying to explain myself in a language I can barely speak or anything. So I left that place. It wont be too long until they find me right?

Even if it's only 5 pm, the streets seemed darker because of the houses. But that didnt scare me of course, if you think positive.. everything's gonna be okay.

I walked down a few streets, hoping to find a main one. Even if the probability of crime was quite low here, it would be safer to be in public than look like a lost little boy.  With it literally being 2 ish hours since I left the restaurant.. I became worried.

I eventually made it to a main street. It was full of life and music (if you count drunk people and those rushing home). People seemed quite busy and hurried home past the small group of performers. I ended up sitting on a stereo by the performing peeps.

They also didn't seem to really matter that I was intruding their space. A guy eventually came up to me and said stuff, awkwardly nodding my head to the person talking to me. I mean I could understand around 27% ish percent of what they were saying, so I wasnt exactly lost...

"부모님 어디 계시니?" Although it seemed like a question.. I nodded and smiled.  "You don't understand do you?" His perfect english scared me.

(Where are your parents?)

"Uhh.." I stood up. "I'll be going now" I quickly turned around, trying to make a break for it. But he grabbed me by the arm and turned me around. The song "Growl" that was blasting shut off.

His friends looked over at us. "Well, will you let go? Or do I have to scream Rape?" I stated. He gave me a somewhat shocked yet disgusted face and let go. I turned around again.

"Your parents, where are they? You a runaway or something?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around voluntarily this time. "Quite young.. What they said no to a play date?"

"I'm not a child!" I randomly screamed at him.

"Well, I don't judge.. Do whatever you want, I ain't gonna be responsible for a 5 year old" He backed up, putting his hands up and shaking his head like he was denying guilt.

"Appa?" A girl from the dance group ran up from behind him, clinging to his shoulder. He looked at her.

"가서 네 형제들을 도와라" She nodded and left to help others. "So where you heading to? You cant even speak Korean, your some rich child runaway right? One thats super young apparently.." He eyed me from head to toe.

(Go help your brothers)

"Yeah, sure. I'm some illiterate child thats spoiled rotten and ranaway because of not getting dessert? Is that how you see me?" 

"Well you said it" I scoffed.

"Well just to inform you with your infinitesimal brain, that apparently can not comprehend anything that is simplified!" I took a deep breath and he stared at me with a shocked face. "I  will not be-"

"Taehyung!" A familiar voice shouted. My head shot towards that direction to see a super car (with what seemed to be a child driver) with Jungkook screaming at me.

"Appa!!!" I immediately ran to the car forgetting about the whole agitating conversation I just had.

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