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Taehyung's POV

I wasn't sure on how I would do with the plane. I mean I've ridden on before, but I was way too young to remember. So when I had to use the bathroom.. I tried my very best to hold it in. It was a 14 hour flight though and full of hundreds of people.

I tried signaling Namjoon who sat nect to me or even Jungkook who was farther away but they were both out cold. It was the middle of the night.. most people were asleep.

I stood up and put Jungkook's jacket on, even though I got some new ones.. I felt very safe and happy in his oversized jacket. I stepped out into the aisle and made my way down to the restroom, trying not to make any eye contact with others.

On my way down someone grabbed me by the wrist. He was behind me and I couldnt see his face nor did I want to look.

"Jungkook?" He asked softly, but i tugged to get away.. Kinda freaked out. When I tugged again he pulled me towards him. Our eyes meeting, he was not anyone I knew.. But someone Jungkook knew? "Oh.. sorry. I thought you were someone else for somereason" He said in Korean, letting go of my arm.

I continued to the restroom and tried not to think much about what happened. My bathroom trip almost ended uo with me dying, mostly because a small amout of turbulence happened and I fell. It will definitely leave a bruise.

I made my way slowly back and carefully when I reached by that man. I could feel him watching me as I walked by. It was not a pleasant feeling.

I quickly sat by Namjoon and forcefully woke him up, shaking his body that was like 3 times my size.

"Yeah?" He groaned.

"There's a weird guy back there" I whispered.

"mmh" He nodded. "Just go to sleep, its.." He turned his phone on. "Its 4 Am"

"Did you even listen?"

"Yesss, go to sleep" He threw a blanket on my lap.  I pouted, he's just like a dog isnt he? One thats fluffy, stuborn and lazy.


It was rough getting off the plane and finding our luggage. I mean I had my bookbag with me, it obviously still contained the stuff that was in my special box.

Aftering getting our suit cases, we went through many other annoying things. It was so busy with people that a child could get lost, and that is what exactly happened. I got lost.

I was wandering through a crowd of people, pulling a suitcase along trying bot to cry.  It was way too many people for my liking. Although throughout my journey of finding Namjoon and Jungkook, I saw some interesting people.

A lady with a noticeable blonde wig and a checkered coat, cute puppies wearing hoodies, a kid doing the worm and a huge line for the female bathroom. There was alot of things I could've stopped to see but I was determined to find them.

I decided to go through a huge crowd, hoping they'd be in there. I mean if I cant find them, shouldnt they be able to find me? They are literally animals.

I was getting pushed and shoved in the crowd. But a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me out. It was not Jungkook or Namjoon, it was that weird dude.

"Are you lost?" He asked in a sweet tone which sent alarms. He has been clearly watching me.

"No" I kept my head low.

"Its okay, I'll help you find them." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me. Although the smartest thing to do would be scream or to at least struggle, I knew I couldn't cause a scene.

He pulled me around the crowd and past the bathrooms. And suddenly I see Jungkook running towards me. And to be honest what I did next was embarrassing and confusing.

"Daddy!" I yanked myself free and ran to him with open arms. Jungkook grabbed me and immediately crouched down to my height.

"Are you okay?" I nodded. "I couldn't find you, there are too many scents in this place." Namjoon patted Jungkook on the shoulder and he looked up, towards the man who was walking behind me.  "Jin?"

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