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(Just wanna say this chapter may be a bit boring -_-, sorry)


Taehyung POV

When I arrived home, I got to see my Aunt being dragged out in hand cuffs. She had a terrible look on her face and 3 men behind her were also in cuffs.

When we made eyecontact, she yelled at me and kicked the air, trying to get to me. My eyes felt watery but I kept my cool as I entered the house. It was way messier than before, my dried blood was still there and the house seemed trashed.

Glass, clothes, old food and cigarettes were on the floor. I felt bad for the CPS lady who had to follow me in. When I reached my bedroom, I figured it was a good time to mention Jungkook but as naturally as possible.

"What family am I going to? Are they nice? Do they live around here?" I said opening my closet.

"They have fostered children before, and they live quite far away. You'll have to go to a different school, but it's a big family so you won't feel lonely" She said stepping over a heap of bloody clothes.

"Do I have to? Can't I go to a different place? Like someone I know?"

"And who would that be?"

"My uncle" I said finally turning around giving her an innocent look.

"If I remember correctly the only person on your registry is your Aunt"

"He's not my real Uncle, he was a friend of my moms. He was there when we were happy." I added that last bit to make it depressing.

"Well I'm not sure about how that would work, but I can definitely let others know and they'll be able to decide. What's his name?"

"Jungkook Jeon"

"Oh, I've heard about him"

"You have?" I immediately turned around.

"Yes, if I'm correct he was the one who called. But I dont think he mentioned he had a relationship with you or your mother."

"He what?" I asked shocked, he was the one who called? He practically betrayed me, but at the same time didn't?! I love him and he loves me. Even if I don't understand what that love I feel for him, I still accept him. But why would he do that? To protect me?

"Yes, he was the one who called. He said he was worried and that you even came to him asking for help but not for him to call us. Its usually how it is."

Was she serious right now? I don't remember telling him anything, yeah he might of realized what was going on but he went that far?!? And now I'll just have to keep lying, its something I really hate. Lying..

"So can I just go to his house instead?"

"Actually you can't, although I dont know much about it. I'm pretty sure, he'll need a background check and many other things. So it might be a while, he'll also have to got to court and prove he can provide for you. That is if what I'm saying is correct."

"So how long will I have to wait?"

"Yet again I'm not so sure about the situation, so I can't say"

"So like a day or two?" I said grabbing my old book bag and putting it on. "I think I can manage that" I grabbed my box from under the bed and moved towards her.

"It may take longer than that though"

"Not too much longer" I walked past her and in the hallway. And past people taking pictures and out the door. She followed behind and we eventually reached the car.

I got in the car and started questioning life. Jungkook obviously cared about me, enough to ruin everything he has in order to love me.. But he does questionable things and I'm honestly not sure what's going on in his head. But I know he loves me and I love him. At least I hope that's how it is.

Even after my talk, I can't really do much. I dont have a way to contact him or a way to see him. I'm literally stuck in a car for almost 2 hours to go and live with strangers.. And I dont even know Jungkook's phone number so I can't just borrow a phone. Hopefully he's working hard like he said he would. I really miss him.


Jungkook POV

It's been 3 hours, Taehyung is probably freaking out at a strangers house while I'm stuck working to get things I need. I did research, got the papers I definitely need and called people who needed to know what I was doing. Basically Namjoon, a few friends, my lawyers, and CPS themselves. I had luckily obtained the personal phone number of the one in charge of the case.

She said that she'd call me in a few hours about how to go about adopting  Taehyung. I honestly feel weird about adopting my lover, like that's some weird sh_t. He can literally say 'My Daddy's actually my dad', well if I allow him to call me that. But I'm pretty sure I'll put off our sexual relationship, hes a little too young for what I got.

Anyway apparently it will take a few days until I can do anything, I'll have to go to court and etc. But after if I get him, I've been thinking about moving back to Korea with him. My pack is still over there and I'd probably not of been in America if it wasn't for a drunk decision. By the way it takes a lot for werewolves to get drunk, a lot..

Anyway I bought a house here, Namjoon came over and then I got a job as a teacher. And that's pretty much my whole story minus major depressing sh_t but that's all.

At least if we move to Korea, we won't have to be reminded about the things that happened here. And it's also probably for the best, considering people are finding out about our relationship. Aka damn teachers that wanna make some problems, thankfully I already took care of that. They shouldn't be back anytime.. or anywhere to be exact. Hopefully Taehyung will be okay staying with strangers, I'll work even harder to take him away.


(Uploading  2 chapters today!! The next will be out in a few hours!!)

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