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Warning: Somewhat Sexual content, Curse words and Fluff.

Jungkook POV

I cant believe myself. But yet again it happened and I cant stop it. I have fallen in love with a human. Well actually he's my mate, always has been.

It was the best moment of my life when I saw him. Honestly I'm not sure how I controlled myself. And I can barely now, especially when smiles at me innocently.

Even Namjoon has complimented on my strength to challenge the bond. But what would he know, he's just a dog. Well thats what Taehyung thinks, I havent gotten around to the whole "I'm a werewolf" thing and I think its probably best that it stay quiet for a while. Wouldnt want to scare my mate.

'Jungkook?' Namjoon said in our mind-link.

'Yeah, what you want dog?' He whined in disgust.

'I'm not a dog'

'I know, I just find it funny. You've been in that form for a while, better hope you dont get stuck' I laughed out loud, making Tae startle awake.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked sweetly while rubbing his brown puffy hair. I was expecting back a 'Duh, of course. Why else the h_ll would I be awake.' Due to his personality.

But I was shocked when a light pink blush spread across his face. "No, you didnt." He smiled adjusting himself so that he could hug my sitting position. Unexpected, but greatly welcomed. Was he feeling the bond too? It wasnt a human thing, maybe he just had general feelings for me.

I carefully pushed him off me and stood up, soaking in the fresh bright sunshine that showed through my white curtains. Making sure to let him see how the sun rippled across my abs and chest muscles.

I like him take in the view for a good minute and then looked over to see his reaction. Turns out he wasnt watching at all and went back to sleep, he doesnt know what he missed. I grabbed my shirt off the floor and sniffed it, seems clean enough. I put it on and somehow managed with pants on by the time I walked out my bedroom door.

I walked to the kitchen and started making coffee, going over to the fridge to get milk. I noticed the time. 8:32? Hmm.. Then I started panicking. It was a friday! We had school.

But as soon as it started, it stopped. I had already called in sick, how could I let that thought skip away. I hummed while thinking about Taehyung, another missed day of school shouldnt be a problem. Considering he has already missed half of the year. Not my problem.

My thinking was interrupted by a small yawn and the sight of Taehyung stretching his arms high, so that the yellow sweatshirt he was wearing reached the beginning of his boxers. Kinda got a little hard there, who wouldnt? Especially with the sun shining behind him, making him glow. What wonderful feelings and thoughts.

As he walked over to me, I smiled. But he ignored me and went to my fridge.

"Do you have anything else besides alcohol and leftover pizza? Didnt you go shopping like 2 days ago?"

"All I own food wise is in that fridge." I smiled and he grunted puling out a piece of pizza. Eating it cold as he sat in the chair beside me.

"So are we going to school today?"


"Wow, breaking rules? So unlike you.

"Oh, I can break rules. Just like how I can break you."

"Was that supposed to be a dirty joke? Cause I didnt get it." I laughed as he shrugged. He was just so cute, small and reminded me of a kid somehow. Probably his height and baby face, but dont worry I'm not a pedophile. I'll wait till he's eighteen. Wait how old was this kid?

"How old are you?" He shrugged his shoulders. "So do you not know or just dont wanna tell?"

"Why does it matter? Its not like we have that kind of relationship." That hurt, like really. No exaggeration, felt like being stabbed. I'm not sure but he must of felt my sadness or sudden drop in happiness, because he finished his pizza after saying "but we could, if we wanted too." He smiled.

That sentence was all I needed. That small bit of hope that made myself and my wolf jumping. We could have a relationship, of course rules would be needed but it was a relationship none the less. Loved the thought of it.

"Oh and I'm 14"


(So I don't know what happened but I already uploaded this chapter last week but apparently it was deleted, so I will just reupload)

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