S16 E7: Skye VS Agron (Cruiserweight)

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Commentator: Welcome everybody to PWE! Tonight, we have Cruiserweight action and we have a new pup on the Cruiserweight division tonight!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a Cruiserweight match scheduled for one fall!

Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Adventure Bay, Skye!

Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Texas, Agron!
Referee: Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! Skye moved to the Cruiserweight division because of the superstar shake-up, so let's see what she can do as a Cruiserweight. Agron went for a clothesline, but Skye avoids it and connects with a kick to the stomach of Agron! Now she bounces off the ropes and flips over Agron and lands it and drops Agron with a superkick! Skye is definitely becoming impressive on the Cruiserweight division! Now Skye lifts Agron up and drop-kicks him into the corner and connects with a handspring back elbow!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Agron kicks out at 2 and Skye lifts him up and connects with a few forearms and she bounces off the ropes, but gets dropped by Agron with a jumping knee! Now Agron connects with a German Suplex!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Skye kicks out at 2 and Agron lifts her up and throws her into the corner and connects with a few elbows to the side of the head and he connects with a suplex into the turnbuckle!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Skye kicks out at 2 once again and Agron locks in a headlock, but Skye connects with a Jawbreaker! Now Skye bounces off the ropes and connects with a Spike Hurricanrana!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Agron kicks out at 2 once again and Skye lifts him up once again and she went for the Turbulence, but Agron countered with a sideways slam!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Skye kicks out at 2 once again and Agron is getting frustrated! Now he lifts Skye up once again and he throws her into the corner and he went for a corner kick, but Skye flips him over the top rope and she springboards off the top rope and drops Agron with a Tornado DDT onto the floor! My god, that was incredible!
Skye: YEAH!!!
*crowd cheers*
Commentator: Skye throws Agron back into the ring and she climbs to the top rope and connects with the Shooting Skye Press!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*

Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, Skye!
Commentator: Skye wins her debut as a Cruiserweight! I think she's gonna be just fine on this division, it suits her. Thanks for watching PWE! Goodnight everybody!

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