S16 E3: James Addresses The PWE Universe

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Commentator: Welcome everybody to PWE! Tonight, we are going to hear from our newest heavyweight sign-up, James.
Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, James!
*crowd cheers*

Commentator: It's been long overdue, but James is finally on the heavyweight roster! He deserves it! And I can't wait to see what he does on the heavyweight roster!
James: *grabs microphone* What's up PWE Universe!
*crowd cheers*
James: This is kind of obvious, but James is finally on the heavyweight roster!
*crowd cheers once again*
James: And ever since I showed up here on this roster, I have had so many tweets on Twitter saying "Welcome to the heavyweight roster! You deserve it!" And I can't thank you all enough!
*crowd cheers*
James: Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm out here. And my answer is..I'm ready to fight! I'm ready to compete! I'm ready to put my body on the line just so I can entertain all of you! And there is one particular pup that I want to face, and that is my good friend-

Commentator: I don't think this is who James was talking about.
Rocky: *grabs microphone* James, first of all, welcome to the heavyweight roster. Now second of all, I'm out here to answer everyone's question. "Why did it take so long for James to finally make it to the heavyweight roster?" And I've got the answer. It's because you suck! Sure, you have some four-star, maybe even five-star matches. But you barely win matches, you've only had one title run and it didn't even last for at least two months! While me, I've won the Intercontinental Championship twice! And I've had a decent reign with it as well.
James: Decent? If you call always having Tundra to save your tail, decent. Then yeah, you did have a decent title run! Let me tell you something Rocky, and this is gonna sting a little bit but its the truth. You won the Intercontinental Championship by a cheap shot! And everytime you almost lost the title, you had Tundra always help you in the end! Tundra was the only reason why you were Intercontinental Champion so long! Don't believe me? Ask Samuel, ask Luka, ask Nishka! Ask every pup that you "defended" the Intercontinental Championship against! And then you have me, who was actually defending the title on my own and I always respected my opponents in the end. And you always thought you were better than them!
Rocky: I AM BETTER THAN THEM!! I am better than any pup in this damn company!!
James: Really? Cause I don't see it. All I see is a former pup-wrestler, who has become nothing more than Tundra's bitch!
*crowd goes "OHHHHH!!"*
Rocky: Really? That's what you think?! You know what?! I'm gonna prove to you and to all these repulsive people that I don't need anyone to help me! How about you have your first match on the heavyweight roster against me?! At the next PPV, Indestructible!!
James: You and I? One-on-one at Indestructible?
Rocky: I didn't stutter!
James: You're on!
*crowd cheers*
Commentator: Oh and Rocky went for a cheap shot, but James decks him with a superkick and he clotheslines him over the top rope!

Commentator: The match has been made for Indestructible! I cannot wait! Thanks for watching PWE! Goodnight everybody!

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