S15 E22: Sky Warriors VS Scott & Andrew (Tag Team Championship)

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Commentator: Welcome everybody to PWE! Tonight, we have the Tag Team Championship rematch between the Sky Warriors and Scott & Andrew!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! And it is for the Tag Team Championship!

Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challengers, from Adventure Bay, Chase and Skye, the Sky Warriors!
Commentator: The Sky Warriors were the former Tag Team Champions until War Games happened. That match was hellacious and it ended when Scott powerbombed Chase onto the steel cage door and then we had new Tag Team Champions.

Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Massachusetts, they are the Tag Team Champions, Scott & Andrew!
Commentator: These two definitely proved that they are worthy of being Tag Team Champions. They were mainly the reason why the War Games match was so hellacious!
Referee: *holds up titles* Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! We're starting off with Chase and Andrew. These two lock up in an armlock and Andrew connects with a clothesline, but Chase kicks back to his feet and drops Andrew with a Spinebuster! Now he tags in Skye and she goes to the top rope and connects with a Corkscrew Splash!
Referee: 1..2! 2!
Commentator: Andrew kicks out at 2 and Skye connects with a few stomps to the stomach of Andrew and she tags in Chase once again and he lifts Andrew up, and Skye connects with an Enziguiri! Now Chase drives Andrew into the corner and he connects with a few elbows to the face of Andrew and he went for a suplex, but Andrew uses his strength to counter into a Snap Suplex into the turnbuckles! Now Andrew tags in Scott and they lift up Chase and slam him, back first onto the ring apron! Now Scott drags him back into the ring and covers him!
Referee: 1..2.! 2!
Commentator: Chase kicks out at 2 and Scott locks in a headlock, but Chase flips him over and connects with a clothesline that drops Scott! Now Chase is crawling to his corner and he tags in Skye! Skye climbs to the top rope and she connects with a 450 Splash to the back of Scott! Andrew gets in the ring and gets dropped by Skye with a superkick! Scott gets back to his feet and tried to clothesline Skye, but she connects with a dropkick that sends him into his own partner! That was brilliant of Skye! Now she connects with some forearms and elbows to the face of Scott and she climbs to the top rope, but Scott catches her and he slams her face first onto the ring canvas! Now Scott lofts her up and crushes her in the corner!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Chase stops the pinfall and Andrew gets back in the ring and clotheslines Chase over the top rope! Now Andrew exits the ring, but gets clocked with Breaking The Law out of nowhere! Scott now lifts Skye up once again, but she flips to her feet and connects with an Enziguiri and she drops him with a Spike Hurricanrana! Now she goes to the top rope and connects with the Shooting Skye Press!
Referee: 1..2..! 2!
Commentator: Scott kicks out at 2 and Skye thought she had the match won. She thought that she and Chase were about to become six-time Tag Team Champions! Skye now tags in Chase and he is setting up for the Breaking The Law! He went for it, but Scott caught him and dropped him with a powerbomb! And he knocks Skye off the apron! Scott lifts Chase up and connects with another powerbomb!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*

Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, and still the Tag Team Champions, Scott & Andrew!
Commentator: Scott &Andrew retained the titles in the rematch. Congrats to them! The Sky Warriors put up a good fight! Thanks for watching PWE! Goodnight everybody!

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