S16 E4: Blake VS Duke

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Commentator: Welcome everybody to PWE! Tonight, we have Blake taking on the United States Champion, Duke!
Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Ring Announcer: Introducing first, from Georgia, Blake!
Commentator: Blake has been saying that he is confident in winning a match since he won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Let's see if he can beat the United States Champion tonight.

Ring Announcer: Introducing second, from Adventure Bay, he is the United States Champion, Duke!
Commentator: Duke successfully retained the United States Championship at War Games and we won't see another rematch between him and Baron anytime soon. Because Baron has now moved on to the Cruiserweight division because of the superstar shake-up.
Duke: *grabs microphone* Before this match starts, I just want to say one thing. Bye Baron! Have fun losing on the Cruiserweight division! And as for you! You are nothing more than a jobber who got lucky at Wrestlemania! Well tonight, your luck runs out! *drops microphone*
Referee: Ring the bell!
*bell rings*
Commentator: Here we go! And Duke blasts Blake with a dropkick into the corner out of nowhere! And Duke connects with some vicious stomps to the face of Blake and he lifts him up and drops him with a Snap Suplex! Now Duke lifts Blake up and he throws him shoulder first into the ring post!
Duke: I told you! Your luck has run out!
Commentator: Oh and Blake connects with a right paw, but Duke drops him with a Pele Kick! Now Duke lifts Blake up and drops him with the spiral neckbreaker! Duke climbs to the top rope and he connects with the Coup De Gras!
Referee: 1..2..3! Ring the bell!
*bell rings*

Ring Announcer: Here is your winner, the United States Champion, Duke!
Commentator: Duke was victorious tonight and he just full on destroyed Blake!
Duke *grabs microphone* That was some competition! Trey, what the hell man?! I want real competition! Not jobbers! If you keep on giving me pups like Blake, then I'm gonna show you why I'm the United States Champion!

Commentator: Oh my! This is the pup that put on a hell of a show at Wrestlemania! This pup eliminated almost half the pups in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal! This pup is known as Cloud!
Cloud: *takes Duke's microphone* You want real competition? Well here I am! *drops microphone*
Commentator: OH! Cloud just dropped Duke with a massive right paw! And he lifts him up and connects with a move he calls the Cloud Nine!

Commentator: Cloud is finally here in PWE! I can't wait to see what he can do! Thanks for watching PWE! Goodnight everybody!


For everyone wondering, this is what the Cloud Nine looks like.

I hope you like that move, FurryCloud

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