Siren Beliefs and Vocabulary

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I try not to make my world-building something that you have to spend a lot of time studying, but in order to make this civilization that exists primarily underwater realistic at all, I knew I needed to give them a language and belief system that differed from ours. So, here are some facts and words that I think are important for you to know as a reader of this story so you can fully understand the sirens I'm writing about. You can always refer back to this at any point. Also, I tried to put everything in here that you'd need, but as this is a WIP, I might be forced to add to it. If I ever have to do that, I'll let you know in an author's note at the beginning of the chapter in which there's a new word.

 If I ever have to do that, I'll let you know in an author's note at the beginning of the chapter in which there's a new word

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Ilanga is the siren's goddess of the sun and the mother of all the other gods. She has existed since before time began, according to siren beliefs. While many old human religions consider the sun deity to be the most powerful, sirens live in the ocean where the moon pushes and pulls the tide and where the sun cannot reach its darkest depths, so though they respect Ilanga, they do not hold her as highly as her daughter Bulan.

Bulan is the goddess of the moon and the eldest daughter of Ilanga. She is the one who gave sirens their Voice, which in turn gives them the power to lure humans into the sea.

Voda is the goddess of the sea as well as the giver of life. According to siren beliefs, whenever a new being is born whether on land or sea, Voda is there to breathe life into their bodies. She is considered the mother of all sirens, so they cherish her the most. However, Bulan is considered the highest deity, with Voda following her guiding hand in the form of the ocean's tide.

Darat Sol
Darat Sol is the god of earth and land as well as death. He is close with his mother, but not so with his sisters. Humans are his creation, and though sirens don't consider him to be necessarily evil, his rule over death sheds some light on sirens' true feelings about dry land. Sirens also believe that the reason they can shapeshift to walk among humans is because they're the superior species and Voda is more powerful than her brother, so it is literally their birthright to tread between land and sea and eat the children of Darat Sol. Despite this, they still respect him as a deity, though they refrain from spending too much time in his domain.

Unlike most humans, sirens do not believe that their gods exist in humanoid forms. Instead, their gods are literally whatever they rule. For example, Voda is literally the sea, not just a woman charged with creating and protecting it. However, they are capable of transforming into humanoids, which is what they started as upon birth (all except Ilanga). Some sirens believe the day Voda walks on land is the day the great war between her and Darat Sol - called "Ukulwa de Vodarat" - will begin and destroy the world.

Sirens also do not worship as many humans do. They respect the presence, existence, and power of their deities, but they do not pray, gather, or give offerings. They tend to think of their religion as a factual basis for their lives instead of an addition of faith. Their priests - one of which is Yoongi - are more like scholars than they are disciples. Instead of leading followers, they teach and guide those who seek their help in following the commands and receiving the blessings of the gods. Though they have no idols or temples, there are still locations deep in the sea beyond human knowledge that are considered sacred places to reflect on Voda's constant presence. 

Sirens have their own language, and though this story will not use that language often, it is important to know what some of their words mean so that you can better enjoy the story. Their language is felt more than it is heard, so sometimes even the deaf can understand a conversation. However, the siren language requires the power of the Voice gifted by Bulan, so even though it is possible for a human to learn it, they will never be able to speak it.

Vodanizinga (voe-DAHN-ee-zin-GAH): literally "Voda's child." This is what sirens call themselves.

Vodanizingane (voe-DAHN-ee-zin-GAH-nay): plural of Vodanizinga, literally translating to "Voda's children."

daranizinga (DAR-ahn-ee-zin-GAH-nay): literally "Darat Sol's child." This is the siren word for "human," though they usually just say "human" instead. Unlike "Vodanizinga," "daranizinga" is not considered a proper noun, so it is not capitalized.

daranizingane (DAR-ahn-ee-zin-GAH-nay): plural of Daranizinga, literally translating to "Darat Sol's children."

ika (EE-kah): a mate

ikanan (EE-kah-nahn): the act of mating, which is the siren equivalent of marriage. Sirens mate for life, though it is also common for some to never take a mate at all.

ikabonaro (EE-kah-boe-NAH-roe): the proper way to take a mate: touching the ocean and under a full moon. Siren tradition says that this is the only way to have the blessing of both Voda and Bulan, and some won't even consider it a true mating if it's not ikabonaro.

I hope this cleared up what you are reading and will read about the sirens, dearest reader! Feel free to comment any questions or concerns

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I hope this cleared up what you are reading and will read about the sirens, dearest reader! Feel free to comment any questions or concerns.

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