The start of something fresh (pt2)

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Sybella pov: I stare at the screen and screenshot it.How dare he it was a picture of Lillian and Ethan making out with saying "we're dancing with the devil 😈" I refresh the page and she's already taken it down.The mistake was already made.Man whore I say to myself as I punch the toilet door and slide down the wall and cry.

Medaya pov: I look around the table and realise Sybella still isn't back hmm weird . "Hey guys you realise Sybella isn't back wanna go find her?" I interrupt. "Uh Ye Ye" Kasey nods. Me and Kasey walk off from the group and look around the campus. "Hold on I needa go toilet" wait outside for me Kasey asks. "UGH HURRY UP" I demand. "I found her  follow me". I follow Kasey and she kicks open a door "KASEY JESUS" I yell. "Damn you look like a mess" Kasey says as she sits next to sybella. "Ethan fucking cheated on me what a man whore" Sybella wipes her tears "Eh never trusted him Anyway" Kasey adds. "Dude come on let's go" I offer Sybella my hand and I help her up. We walk out of the batheroom and it's silent. "SHIT EVERYONES ON THE BUS ALREADY GO GO SOlDIER GO ABORT" Sybella yells running for the main entrance. The bus is already taking off. I run to the bin and grab out a baby pool clam that we ruined yesterday at a party and some rope we used for an science experiment. We all run toward the moving bus as fast as we can I tie the rope to the front of the clam. " CATCH" I yell to sybella she runs to the end of the bus and ties it to the exhaust pipe . Sybella jumps on the clam and we ride it. "YEHAW GO MEDAYA SOME SMART SHIT"

Boy wasn't that something.

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