"Jaebum is taking a shower and I have breakfast ready so get your asses dressed." Youngjae sat on the couch. Bambam smirked at him. " What?"

"Why aren't you taking a shower with him?"  he asked.

Youngjae blushed. " Privacy."

" Dude, you're lame. I would totally shower with my boyfriend."

"You've showered with me." Yugyeom stated.

"Aren't you my boyfriend?" Kunpi said blowing him a kiss.

Yugyeom highkey blushed. "Eww no!"

"He loves me" Kunpi murmured.

"You guys should totally date... You're so cute together it hurts." Youngjae commented and hugged a pillow. " Please, do it."

"YOUNGJAEEEEEEEEEE" Jaebum screamed from the bathroom. The shower was turned down and Yugyeom and Bambam kept quiet to listen.

"What is it?" Youngjae yelled back.

"Can you bring me a towel, please?"

Kunpimook started laughing and tried his best to not make a sound. Youngjae gave him a threatening look but got up to find a towel.

When he arrived at his room he saw a small envelope on his pillow. He was curious about it but Jaebum was waiting for his towel so he quickly grabbed one and ran to the bathroom to give it to him. He knocked on the door. " Can I come in?"

"Yes," Jaebum laughed. When Youngjae opened the door, Jaebum was hiding behind the bath'curtain smiling. " Thank you, Sunshine. You're a life savior."

He handed him the towel. " How did you forget it?"

"I was in a rush, okay? I needed to pee."

"But who forgets the towel when going to take a shower."

Jaebum laughed. "Shut up, I bet you've done it."

"No, I haven't."

"You're weird."

"But you still like me."

"Oh yeah, I fucking do." he smiled. " Now, I need to get dressed. I'd love to have you here but-"

"Oh oh sure. I'll leave." Youngjae ran out of the bathroom and went back to his room.

He waswith  triggered with the small envelope on his pillow. Maybe it was Jaebum' s private business and he didn't want to invade his personal space. But at the same time he couldn't ignore it. So he opened it.

"Dear Youngjae,
This is my coward way of telling you everything that I didn't in the past months. The truth is that I didn't know how to tell you face to face maybe because I'm still ashamed of myself. No, you won't read a poetic thing full of metaphors, but instead you'll read the most honest thing I've ever written or felt. 

Yes, I've said I like you a lot. A lot of times. But this is way more than that. What I feel for you is way more than words are able to describe.

I've had a crush on you ever since the day I saw you at college. You were wearing dark jeans, a blue shirt and a white bandana that looked extremely good on you. Like incredibly good. You seemed kinda shy and you were completely alone looking everywhere looking for something. I was with Jackson at the time, he noticed you being lost and getting closer to us. That's when you looked at me and asked me where the bathroom was and I just froze. You probably thought I was being a scumbag and ignoring you but I legit was mesmerized with your beauty. Jackson replied instead and that was one the first and last time we've talked for a year. 

I remember you staring at me every day before class and me staring back at you. I was not sure why to be honest. I didn't know you and you didn't know me either but we still manage to look at each other every single day as if we were waiting for something. 

The moment we started to exchange those glares was also the moment I stopped going out with people and having "fun" with people and throwing them away. I don't know why. I didn't want to be me  anymore. I wanted to be a stabble person and learn not to be bad. That was when Jackson decided to sent me that freaking teddy bear and I couldn't stop thinking that it was you who sent it. I couldn't think of anyone besides you. You were so handsome and HOT. You're literally the hottest person I know. I also know that looks aren't everything but I still wanted to get closer to you so I texted you. 

And ever since then, I cannot stop thanking God. You've changed my life in a way that I won't ever be able to thank you enough for. You showed me what love actually means... you opened my eyes for so many things and we're making this work out like I never thought it would work out. 

Youngjae, my sunshine, you're the love of my life. I mean it. And I know you're waiting for the perfect moment to say those three words and I m not pressuring you to. I just want YOU to know that I, Im Jaebum, love you. I love you. 

The way I feel alive when you're around, the way your smile can take my pain away, the way you're caring. Your giggles, your cuddles, you laugh...oh God how I love your laugh and how I love everything about you...the way that I love you. 

Thank you so much for being the person you are and thank you for allowing me to feel happiness. You've shown me what feelings are and I am so in love with you Youngjae. 

I'm sorry if I ever hurt you, I'm sorry if I am overprotective sometimes, I'm sorry if I love you so much and I cannot let you go...I am really sorry if any of the things that I do hurt you in any way. Please tell me if I hurt you, please... I'm human and I make mistakes but I want to correct them and be my best version. For you. For me. For us. 

Thank you for letting me love you. 

I love you, Choi Youngjae. "

At the time Youngjae finished reading the letter, he saw the tears wetting the paper. He had no words. Those words were so real. So honest. Jaebum really showed him his weakest, yet cutest, side and he couldn't control the tears. He loved Jaebum and he is not afraid to say it anymore. 

Youngjae let the letter fall on the ground and ran to the bathroom, not even knocking on the door. Jaebum jumped and tried to cover his shirtless torso. 

"What are you- wait you're crying?" Jaebum asked worried. 

Youngjae smiled brightly and tried to clean his tears. " Shut up Im Jaebum!"

"What? What happened, I-" this time the next thing Jaebum felt was Youngjae' s lips on his own. He was surprised by the sudden contact but kissed him back passionately. He glued their bodies together and cupped Youngjae's cheeks with his hands bringing him closer ( if that was possible). "What's...going...o-on?" Jaebum asked out of breath and staring deep into the younger's eyes. 

"I love you" Youngjae whispered. " I read your letter and I love you too Im Jaebum. Fuck the perfect moment to say it, I love you so so much."

Once again Youngjae kissed Jaebum like his life depended on it. 

That was their most perfect moment, when their bodies were moving in sync, their lips following each other's movements and their hearts knowing exactly their feelings. 

between soft kisses (2Jae)Where stories live. Discover now