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❤️ markTaiwan, Parkjinyou, KunpsThai and 346 more liked this post

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

❤️ markTaiwan, Parkjinyou, KunpsThai and 346 more liked this post

YugANdout I have no idea of what the hell was going on, but here you have the first footage of the new friends Jae&Jae. You're welcome

@youngandcute @IMJ0106

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Parkjinyou I knew Yugyeom was trust worthy

Parkjinyou I love you <3

markTaiwan Youngjae's face is priceless eheheh

markTaiwan I stan you Yugs


KunpsThai you're the love of my life Kim Yugyeom

youngandcute I hate you, I won't ever talk to you again

youngandcute cancelled

IMJ0106 omg! We forgot to take a picture together Youngjae @youngandcute

IMJ0106 thank you so much Yugs for recording a precious moment. <3

YugANdout you're welcome @IMJ0106

youngandcute I love you Yugyeom <3

between soft kisses (2Jae)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum