Taggged 🧡

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Hey!! Just taking this opportunity to thank you for all the views, votes and comments

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Hey!! Just taking this opportunity to thank you for all the views, votes and comments. You guys make me so happy and I hope y'all doing fine and if not better times will come! Feel free to message me 💞💞💞💞

Now, let's move on to the questions...

1- Nope

2- Literally if anyone is in love with me I believe they have serious problems

3- Isabel

4- Single ;)

5- My best friend

6- Girl in red-watch you sleep ( check her out. She's an openly lesbian artist and she has so many good songs!)

7- 89%

8- My vest frieeeeend, Van. She has a wattpad profile but she won't ever come here to thank me for my public declaration so I wont tag her 😂

9- my closest friend who happens to be a boy is Fernando. He's boring... Just saying

10- Nomin 🧡

11- I made my account because I wanted to write a The Vamps fanfic and because I wanted a safe place to go to when my mind was a mess



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13- My birthday : 30th December

Imma tag myself because I don't have time to tag others sksksksks sorry my loves 💞

I love you, now and always,

Beatriz ❤️🌈

between soft kisses (2Jae)Where stories live. Discover now