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The cross-country meet they had been heading to was delayed until tomorrow

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The cross-country meet they had been heading to was delayed until tomorrow. The weather had gone bad, and instead of canceling, they decided to postpone. Khole was glad that the meet hadn't been canceled and that they hadn't missed it. With the traffic and their pit stop due to Jared Greenburg, they probably wouldn't have made it on time. So, Khole was glad to still be able to participate the next day. What she wasn't glad about was the fact that they now had to stay in a motel overnight in the middle of nowhere. It's called Motel Glen Capri, and it's creepy as hell.

Khole made sure to call her parents to update them as soon as she found out what was going on. Her father had asked if she wanted him to pick her up, but she declined since they were still supposed to get to the meet the next day.

However, as soon as Khole gets off the bus with her bag, she stares at the building with unease. The whole atmosphere and ambiance of the place screams creepy and dirty. She was beginning to regret not taking her dad up on his offer... She tightens her grip on her bag as she and the rest of the cross-country team gather in the parking lot. They just have to wait for Coach Finstock to get back with the keys to rooms, and Khole's not excited to stay in this place... alone. There's an odd amount of kids on the team, and since Khole's only friend on the team isn't here, she'll probably be sleeping alone... that is if she can even fall asleep.

Khole takes another look around the area and the feeling of unease heightens.

She's snapped out of her thoughts as Coach Finstock returns with a handful of keys. He blows his whistle, gaining the attention of everyone, "Listen up. The meet's been pushed to tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies, and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up, choose wisely." Most students have already decided who they're going to room with, so pairs and pairs of high schoolers start taking keys from the Coach before heading off to find their rooms. Though, as most start leaving, Coach Finstock makes one last announcement, "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands, to your dirty little selves!"

Khole rolls her eyes at that comment before looking back at the bus. This place gives her the creeps, and she's got half a mind to just sleep on the bus to stay out of the motel altogether. She's never felt so much unease about a place before, and it could be because she's alone with kids she doesn't know and her parents aren't there... but it could be something else. She doesn't want to find out why she's feeling what she is.

Khole quickly shook those thoughts out of her head. She's probably nervous and uneasy about all of this because her parents aren't here and she's alone with strangers. It can't have anything to do with the supernatural...

So, quickly, Khole grabs the last key from Coach Finstock's hand before making her way toward the building. A lump in her throat appears and grows as she makes her way closer and closer. As soon as her hand touches the railing of the stairs, butterflies erupt in her stomach and she stops for a moment. Khole takes a shakey breath before pushing past her nerves and walking up the stairs. The sound of her footsteps echoes all around her, and she feels as if the only sound around her is her heartbeat increasing. Then, once she reaches her door, Khole freezes. She feels a cold shiver run down her spine, and she closes her eyes tight. She takes another shaky breath before quickly unlocking the door and opening it.

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