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Khole was glad to be back at school

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Khole was glad to be back at school. The Friday she spent in class after the full moon was completely normal. Of course, she had spent all that time (and the weekend) wondering what she could've possibly done under the full moon's control, but other than that the days were normal.

One of the reasons why she's happy to be going to school for the first time since coming to Beacon Hills is because cross country was starting. Khole loves cross country. She's always been a very good runner and has been a part of a CC team her whole life. Plus, this sport would allow her to stay active, especially since the swim team wasn't running until later in the year. Another reason why she's excited is because Khole's hopeful that she's going to make some friends on the team. She's yet to make any, only conversing a little with kids in her classes, so she's very hopeful.

When it finally came time for cross country, Khole made her way to the girl's locker room to change. Here in Beacon Hills, they don't have assigned lockers, it's first come first serve. So, Khole picked one of the empty ones with no lock and began changing into her running clothes. Once she tied her shoes, she put everything else into the locker and shut it before looking around the room. As she looked she realized that she had met a couple of the girls here and that she had even liked them when they spoke. So, after working up the nerve to go up to a couple of them to talk to, they all went outside together. Khole was very happy, as these girls seemed to like her as well. Once they were outside, it was very apparent that there are more boys on the team than girls, but that makes sense since Coach Finstock made the lacrosse team join so they don't turn into 'fat asses' in the off-season.

One of the girls whom Khole went outside with, Jen, ended up seeing Khole's appreciation towards running. So, she offered to run with her so that Khole could get a good feel for the trail. She also informed Khole that if the two of them did separate, Coach Finstock marked the trail with little orange flags, as he didn't trust some of them to not get lost.

Khole was very thankful for Jen and was very thankful that the time to run the trial was arriving. They had been waiting outside for much longer than Khole liked, and she was happy to start running. So, once Coach blew his whistle, everyone took off.

The creepy twins whom Khole had briefly met were very fast and were far in the lead, and they were followed by some kid named Isaac and Scott. Khole was going to run with Jen, but separated because she wanted to see if she could improve her time from her old school. She ended up between groups of people and was running alone. As she was running, she spotted something from up ahead. It was weird. From a distance, it looked like a tree had a dog or some giant black mass attached to it. Her curiosity got the better of her, so she slowed down a bit and made her way over to investigate.

Once she realized that the mass on the tree was the dead (murdered) body of a teenage boy, she screamed. She couldn't believe what she was looking at. A boy, who she could've sworn she'd seen in school before was dead, covered in blood, and tied to the tree by a cord around his throat.

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