6- Full Moon

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The first thing Khole did when she woke up this morning wasn't a part of her usual routine

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The first thing Khole did when she woke up this morning wasn't a part of her usual routine. She didn't go into the bathroom, get washed up, or get dressed. Instead, she grabbed some of the black trash bags from the kitchen and cut them up into big blocky shapes. She then put each piece and some tape by each of the windows in her room/bathroom. That way when she arrived home from school that afternoon she could cover her windows easily with said pieces of trash bags. The reason she did this; it's a full moon tonight.

Ever since Khole got her powers and first turned into a mermaid, the full moon had done strange things to her. If she looked at the full moon or its reflection she'd go into a trance-like state and wander around. She'd use her powers, act strangely, or just walk. Then, she'd wake up the next morning with no memory of what she did during the time she spent under the influence of the full moon. It freaked her out the first time it happened and every time it happened since. So, each time it was a full moon, Khole tried very hard to not let it happen again. She hated not knowing what she had done during the time she was under the control of the full moon, so she tried her best to minimize the risk of her possibly catching the moon's gaze. Which meant covering all her windows, gathering food, and hunkering down in her room for the night.

Khole was very glad that both her parents were on shift tonight, as it made it much easier to hide from the moon when she didn't have to be questioned by her parents. But, she was very nervous. This would be her first full moon alone. Every other time she had her best friends from Hawaii, but she doesn't have them or anyone now. So, the thought of getting caught in the moonlight, without the help of someone else, frightens her.

So, the first thing Khole did was get some supplies set up for later, as it helped ease her nerves a little. She was still very nervous, but preparing for later helped a little. Once she was finished, she finally got ready for school. She wasn't as put together as the other days she'd gone to school that week, but she didn't care. She wanted to dress comfortably, especially since she knew she was going to be very uncomfortable at school (because she'd be able to feel the pull of the full moon even before it rose). So, she was dressed in a t-shirt, a sweater, sweatpants, and her most comfortable pair of Converse.

Khole ended up eating breakfast alone, as her parents were both still asleep (preparing for their night shift at the hospital), and felt her uncomfortableness rise as soon as she stepped outside. On days of the full moon, Khole could always feel the moon's influence even before it rose into the sky, which only made her more nervous. Being outside made the pull of the full moon worse, and she knew it wouldn't get any better until she successfully waited the night out in her blacked-out room. So, she wrapped her arms around herself as she walked towards and climbed into her father's old car. Though she did smile a little at the starfish she hung in the mirror when she got the car two days ago. She had happily driven her new car to and from school the past two days, as she was glad to be rid of the rental, but even the thought of this car couldn't distract her enough.

She was heavily distracted and was very fidgety all day. Khole had hoped that because she had yet to make any solid friends in the four days she'd been at Beacon Hills High School, no one would notice her odd behavior. But, people did notice.

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