3- The Vet

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As Khole and Goby were on their walk, they just wandered around

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As Khole and Goby were on their walk, they just wandered around. Khole just decided to walk and explore her new home, so she didn't have a destination in mind. She just wants to walk and explore this new place with her dog. The only time the two stopped was when Goby had to pee, or when Khole saw something interesting. Well, not interesting, more like new. She had passed a couple of good-looking restaurants, and even the high school. Those were the other times she stopped, as they were new and interesting. Plus, she thought it was a good idea to stop at the school considering she'd be going to her first day tomorrow.

She wasn't too happy that only a day after arriving in Beacon Hills she was starting school, as she was hoping she'd get some time to adjust. But, her parents thought starting so soon would help her adjust better to their new home. Khole understands their reasoning, but she's still not happy about it. 

Plus, as soon as she had first laid her eyes on the school, she couldn't help but have all the negative thoughts about moving creep up on her again. She had been able to push all the negative thoughts about moving away once stepping inside her new house, because of Goby, but now it's different. She couldn't help but think about how she would give anything to go back to school in Hawaii... But that can't happen, and she knows that. Walking through the town was just causing those thoughts to resurface.

So, she kept on walking, trying to distract herself. 

She walked so far that she ended up in the main areas of town, not really in the domestic part anymore. Which, is where she looked at a couple of good-looking restaurants that she and her parents could try. However, she ended up stopping again as she spotted a veterinary clinic. She thought to herself about how Goby was due for a check-up soon, and that she might as well go inside to make one now. If she didn't, she'd probably forget and she'd also probably go down a spiral of negative thoughts about this town and the move. So, this was not only a good distraction, but it was good for her beloved dog. 

So, Khole and Goby crossed the street and headed towards the vet clinic. Before she headed inside, she took a picture of the clinic's hours (for future reference) and was happy to see that they were still open. Then she pushed her way inside and looked around as she listened to the door's bell ring. The front waiting room is a little bland. There's not much decoration, only some waiting chairs, and a counter with a desk.

She's about to go to the front desk to ring the little bell but is stopped as a man passes through the open doorway behind it. He smiles at her in greeting, "Hi, how may I help you today?"

Khole smiles back, "I was hoping to make an appointment for my dog, Goby. He's due for a check-up and I just happened to be passing by, so I thought I'd do it now."

"Alright, well, I'll get you the papers needed to fill out. I'll just be a moment." The man then quickly goes back through the doorway. He isn't gone too long before he comes back in with a clipboard. He hands it to her, "Here you go."

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