Night before the big day

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Sybella pov: "well isn't this shit" I glance at Fletchers face my best friend since grade 3 we Skype each other daily. "Oh well it will be fun !call me when you can" he smiles "haha yeah whatever nerd cya" I wave "bye noob" he waved back. I end the Skype call and close my laptop and plop on my bed,I'm not ready for this.

I wedge every clothing item into my suitcase as I can "I'm trendy y'all stfu" I say to myself.My phone starts to blow up from the excitement of my friend Kasey aka Margo "finally no parents time to get lit" most of them said.She has pale skin with the most beautiful blue eyes an curly mid shoulder hair and per say an e girl.oh yeah u aren't me so you don't know what I look like haha

I'm sybella I have short brown hair with green eyes I'm tall but no I don't not play basketball I'm just and a basic indie white girl who skates. My clock goes off at 2:00 time to go to bed I turn off my fairy lights and head to bed.

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