Chapter 20

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Deku looked at Katsuki, expecting an answer and the ash blonde sat at his desk, starting on the homework.

"Bakugo Katsuki don't you dare ignore me." Deku said, making Katsuki looked over at him.

"Okay I'll tell you." Katsuki said. "Canada flag started it. I told him that you were missing when you left the note. I told him because he knew what you looked like and could help look for you. He then told me that he helped you out when you were missing, and they way that he said it made me think he had a crush on you. So I asked him, and it turned out that he did have a crush on you but knew that he had no chance with you since you had hanaki. Icyhot then said that he'd look in the place you used to stay and I went to the place you went to jump, since your note made me think that you were going to kill yourself. When you weren't there I called the bastard and he said that even if he did find you he wouldn't tell me, saying that you left me for a reason. Me and Shitty Hair then got to UA and he started being a dickhead again, saying that I hurt you and that's why you left. Ashido then got involved and said that wasn't the case and said that there was nothing in the note that said that I'd hurt you. He then got the arse and attacked me, resulting in us fighting in the classroom. Canada flag had also said that if I tried anything against him he'd tell the pro heroes that I was housing a villain but I told him that you would get into shit because Aizawa knew who was staying with me. Aizawa then came in and erased our quirks so I punched him in the face. You then appeared at the window so we all ran over and yeah, you know the rest. Oh wait, I did also threaten him when I came back from the villains. I said that if he tried anything on you I'd send his mother is amputated hands." Katsuki said. Deku stared at the floor while listening. When Katsuki finished, Deku buried his head in his hands. Katsuki watched the boy, unsure of what to do.

"I'll talk to him after school finishes." Deku mumbled. Katsuki nodded before walking over and sitting beside the green haired boy on the bed.

"You okay?" Katsuki asked. Deku nodded before freezing.

"Katsuki!" Deku said with a smile on his face.

"What?" The ash blonde asked in confusion.

"I'm not dying! I'm alive! I'm cured!" Deku shouted, a wide grin on his face. Katsuki chuckled.

"Bit of a late reaction but- mph!" Katsuki was cut of with Deku kissing him. Katsuki moaned as he melted into the kiss. Deku climbed onto Katsuki's lap. Deku pulled back suddenly.

"I love you too Kacchan!" Deku said with the mix between a smirk and a smile on his face. Katsuki picked Deku up and threw him on the bed before tickling him.

"That's for calling me Kacchan!" Katsuki said as Deku screamed from being tickled.

"K-Katsuki s-stop!" He said between giggles.

"Never!" Katsuki yelled, a grin present on his face. Suddenly, Katsuki stomach rumbled and he stopped tickling Deku.

"Let's go get food!" Deku said as he jumped up and grabbed Katsuki's hand, pulling him out the room.

"Deku put your shirt on first." Katsuki said as the threw the top at Deku.

"Oh yeah!" Deku said as he put the shirt on and grabbed Katsuki's hand again. Both boys made their way downstairs to the empty living room. They walked into the kitchen as they raided the cupboards, looking for something to eat. The boys settled on having ramen and Deku decided to make it. Katsuki walked over to the boy and wrapped his arms around his waist. Katsuki rested his head on Deku's shoulder as he watch him make the ramen.

"Deku?" Katsuki suddenly asked.

"Yeah?" Deku responded.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to stay a villain?" Katsuki asked.

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