Chapter 15

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Deku woke up sweating and terrified. He glanced at the clock and it read three am. Deku looked back at Katsuki, who was fast asleep. Deku got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to get himself something to drink so he could calm down. Normally, Katsuki would be able to calm Deku down from his night terrors without him waking up but not this time. Deku poured himself some juice and sat on the counter, sipping his juice as he thought.

"Katsuki's never going to love me. He doesn't love me otherwise the hanaki would've been gone." Deku whispered to himself, tearing up. Deku reached behind him and grabbed a knife and placed his juice on the side. He twirled the knife in his hands, staring at the sharp object while looking deep in thought. "He's just using me. He doesn't love me because if he did he wouldn't have been mean to me. Nothing else explains his sudden change of heart." Deku mumbled, sobbing to himself. Deku dragged the knife across his right arm, his blood spilling out onto the floor. He walked over to the other side of the room to grab paper and a pen and started writing a letter for Katsuki.

Dear Katsuki,

I'm finally going to stop being a bother to you and leave. I know you didn't want me here in the first place, you were just trying to make yourself feel better about hurting me. I get it, I really do. I'm sorry I've been such a pain in the ass and I hope you have a good life and live it to the fullest. You'll probably never see me alive again, since the hanaki is going to kill me if I don't do it myself first. Just tell my mother that I loved her, and that I'm really sorry. Tell Kirishima I'm sorry that he never got to meet me, but he seems really nice and I think he has a crush on you Katsuki. He'll treat you better than I did, he won't leave you. I know that you don't really love me Katsuki, so you don't need to tell me. If you did really love me, I wouldn't be dying by suffocation of flowers in my respiratory system. I'm sorry I've been such a burden to you and I'm sorry I've caused you grief at UA. You've always tried to keep a good reputation so I'm sorry I broke that for you. I'm sorry that you no longer have a friend with benefits. But there is one thing that I'm not sorry for.

I'm not sorry that I love you Bakugo Katsuki. And it's because I love you that I'm going to leave you because it's for the best.

Goodbye Kacchan.

Deku finished the note and walked back upstairs the put the note on the bed where he usually laid. Deku gathered all of his stuff and got dressed into his villain clothes. He walked over to Katsuki and gave him a kiss of the lips before throwing himself out the window. Deku burst into tears and gave the house one last look before leaving forever.


Katsuki woke up to his alarm, smashing it at it's annoying ass noise. Katsuki noticed that Deku wasn't in bed so he got up and got changed, assuming he was downstairs. When Katsuki was finished he walked downstairs to be greeted by no-one. Katsuki checked the rest of the house before walking back into his bedroom to check on the roof. Before he could do this however he saw a piece of paper lying on the bed. Katsuki opened the letter and read it, tears spilling down his face as he read. Katsuki collapsed on his floor, sobbing. He fished his phone out of his pocket and called Kirishima. He picked up almost instantly.

"Hey Bakubro! What's up?" Kirishima's cheery voice said.

"It's Deku, he's gone." Katsuki said between sobs.

"What? I'm on my way." Kirishima said as Katsuki nodded and hung up the phone. Kirishima had stayed at his parents' the previous night due to family issues. Kirishima only lived a few minutes away from Katsuki so he was there relatively quickly.

"Hey." Kirishima said as he walked into the room. Katsuki was still sitting on the floor, tears streaming down his face and his eyes all puffy and red. He handed the note to Kirishima to read, Katsuki already having memorised it and adding his own tears onto the paper. Once Kirishima had finished reading the note he wrapped his arms around Katsuki, crying as well. After a few minutes Kirishima broke the silence.

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