Chapter 16

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Todoroki went to sent another wave of ice when his quirk stopped working. He looked over at Aizawa and Katsuki took advantage of his distraction and threw a right hook at Todoroki's face. This knocked Todoroki backwards, stumbling and falling onto the floor. Katsuki walked over to him and put his foot on Todoroki's chest.

"Try and take him from me and you'll wish you were never conceived." Katsuki hissed before he caught a blur of green hair out the corner of his vision. He snapped his head up and ran to the window, leaving Todoroki on the floor. Kirishima and Ashido also saw the green hair and ran to the window as well.

"Bakugo?" Kirishima asked.

"I know you're there." Katsuki whispered. Ashido raised her eyebrows as she walked over to Katsuki and gave him the note back. "Deku please." Katsuki whispered.

"He's not going to respond to you." Todoroki hissed as he stood up.

"And he won't respond to you either." Katsuki responded, still looking at the window. Todoroki walked over to the window.

"You've got some nerve coming over here." Kirishima said.

"Move." Ashido said as she pushed past all three boys and opened the window. She reached down and grabbed the note. All three boys looked at her, eyes widened. Katsuki heard a noise and looked out the window to see Deku standing on the floor. Deku met Katsuki's eyes and gave Katsuki a quick smile and wave before walking away. Katsuki felt an arm tug on his arm as he followed Ashido out the room. Aizawa got the room back in order and started homeroom, leaving Mina and Katsuki outside.

"What is it?" Katsuki asked before Mina handed him the note. Katsuki started crying again.

To whoever grabbed this:

I went to the doctors and they said that I have a week to live if I take the pills they gave me. If I don't take the pills, I'll die tomorrow. So because of this, you won't see me alive again. I left something for Katsuki in his room. Katsuki, if you're reading this. I'm fucking sorry I'm such a let down and I'm sorry if I hurt you. Just know that

Katsuki couldn't read the rest of the note due to tear stains and blood stains on it. Katsuki sunk to the floor as Ashido sat next to him, silently crying. Ashido wrapped her arms around Bakugo as he leaned into her.

"I'm going to look for him." Katsuki said after a few minutes. Ashido pulled away.

"Are you sure?" Ashido asked before Katsuki nodded.

"I'm going to look for him and I'm going alone. But please, make sure Icyhot stays in school." Katsuki whispered and Ashido nodded.

"You deserve happiness Bakugo. And I totally ship it!" She said, making Katsuki chuckle.

"Thanks. If you tell anyone you saw me crying I'll fucking kill you!" Katsuki said making Ashido giggle.

"Of course. Now you go find your broccoli haired boyfriend!" Ashido said as Katsuki nodded before turning on his heel and walking. Ashido walked back into the classroom and all eyes were on her.

"Ashido." Aizawa said.

"Yeah?" Ashido said.

"It's 'yes sir' and where is Bakugo?"

"He's being a hero and looking for the person that means the most to him before he dies." Ashido said. She turned to the class. "That's what being a hero means right? Saving people when they're in danger, making sure people survive." Ashido said.

"He's saving Deku from himself." Kirishima said quietly. Ashido nodded in agreement.

"So if anyone has anything to say, I suggest you keep your mouth shut. Bakugo is a hero and he does care about his boyfriend." Ashido looked over at Todoroki. "If he didn't, he wouldn't be out looking for him before he dies." Ashido turned back to Mr. Aizawa. "So Bakugo won't be coming back today. If he does I'll kick his ass." She said as she sat down.


Deku sat swinging on the swing in the park, wrapped in his own thoughts with his green hair blowing around in the wind and his face glistening in the sunlight due to the tears that streamed down his face. He saw a man sit down on the swing next to him but paid him not attention until the man spoke.

"So what's troubling your mind?" The man asked. Deku looked over to him and took in his appearance. He had black spiky hair that stuck out at all angles. He had bright blue eyes and scars on his face. He had scars under his eyes and across the lower half of his face. It looked like he had burnt himself and then stapled the edges with a stapler. He wore a long black coat, a white top and black trousers. He looked familiar but Deku didn't know where he'd seen him before.

"I just left my boyfriend." Deku mumbled.

"Why?" The man asked.

"Because I'm not good enough." Deku replied. "He'll never love someone like me, I'm the complete opposite."

"You know, they say opposites attract. Like a ying yang." The man said, making Deku look up.

"Hmm, I never thought of that." Deku said.

"How are you the opposite? There's got to be something that's the same." The man said.

"Well he's good looking- I'm not that attractive. He's smart- I'm not really that smart, except for when I show him how to do his homework." Deku said, making him and the man chuckle. "He's mentally stable-I'm mentally broken. He's got his shit together- I don't even know where my shit is." Deku chuckled as the man looked at him with pity in his eyes. "As well as that, he's training to be a hero, I'm a villain. He's strong and confident and well, I'm weak and self conscious."

"Well if your boyfriend's so strong then how did we managed to capture him?" The man asked as Deku's head shot up.

"You what?" Deku asked as he fell of the swing. The man chuckled.

"Yeah, unless you're not the right person. But you fit the description." The man said. "How about I describe the hostage we have and see if they match up with your boyfriend." He continued as Deku stood up, staring at the boy in complete disbelief.

"How the fuck?" Deku said, confused as fuck.

"He has spiky ash blonde hair and red eyes. He's got a great jawline. He has an explosive temper and his quirk is explosions. Care to explain how that works?" The man said with a smirk on his face. Deku went to hit the man in anger before something dawned on him.

"Wait a minute. Why are you telling me this?" Deku asked and the man chuckled.

"If you come with me I'll explain." The man said, standing up from the swing.

"No. I'll only come if you promise that no-one lays a finger on him." Deku said. The man nodded.

"Oh and the name's Dabi." The man said.

"Yeah I already knew that, except that's not your actual name." Deku said as a purple portal appeared in front of them. Dabi looked at the boy in confusion before he asked the boy a question.

"How do you fucking know that?"

You're all going to hate me now, sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. The next chapter is very fluffy to make up for it. Also happy pride month!

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