19: Euphoria

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  "One. Two. Three. And shoot!" I released the arrow as soon as my couch stated shoot. And the result is beyond what I am expecting.

I am expecting to at least get two straight bull's eye but this is my third shot now and it always ended up with only 8 points.

I sighed and try again but this time, the coach stopped me.

"That's enough for now. Maybe you should take a rest." My coach stated

"But the Olympics is...." He sighed and looked at me.

"Listen. No hard feelings  but we decided that maybe you shouldn't play this year..." I looked at my coach  with my eyes widened in surprise.

"Coach..." I stated

"Woah!"We looked at Ace who scored 10 points this time.

Coach looked at me after that. I sighed.

"Fine. Whatever." I stated as I went to the bench to get my bag.

I got my phone and dialled Claude's number.


"Can we go to the coffee shop? My treat?" I stated

I heard him sighed on the other line.

"Come on. Let's go. I'll treat you..."

I smiled and thanked him.

I really need some coffee right now.

Third Person's POV

Ace  stopped hitting the target when he heard the door slammed.  He noticed that Elixir is already gone.

"Don't worry about her. It's okay since the spotlight is already yours..." Tala stated

He glared at Tala. Who cares about her. In his first day of being with the club members,Tala never stops begging for his attention.

He got his bag.

"Where are you going?" The coach asked

"Somewhere." He answered and closed the door.

He followed Elixir  secretly and found that Elixir went to where James work.

How did she--?

Ace then saw a guy pinching her cheeks.

He's Claude.

"STOP!" I stated at Claude. After we met, he suddenly pinch my cheeks that is not that chubby.

"What do you want?" Claude asked me as soon as we reached the counter.

"Just a Americano with a cotton candy and cake..." I stated

"That would be 145 pesos..." Claude sighed as he got 300 pesos at his wallet.

"This should be my allowance for tommorow but...okay" He stated

"Well,I told you that I am the one who's treat you but you insisted so..." I  grinned at him.

"Yah! You supposed to be sad..." Claude stated

"Am I?" I asked

"Tsk. You, trickster...." Claude stated. I let my tongue out.

His fault,not mine...

After we ordered some food,  we ate peacefully...or so I thought .

"Ouch! Hey!" I complained because it really hurts.

Ace's hold tightens.

"Hey,man. Hate to interlude but your hurting her..." Ace seems to be like he doesn't care at all. And Ace's eyes were ...blank. No expression at all.

Ace dragged me and then we ended up in....the rooftop.

What the---?

"Ace, l--let me go!" I said as I keep on freeing myself from his grip.

"Ace...What now? Let me go,you---"I stopped as I don't want to curse.

He stared at me. No emotions at all. He can be a statue if he's not breathing but...yeah. He is.

He hugged me suddenly. I tried to free myself from his arms but he's just...too strong.

"Ace! Stop! What's your problem?!" I yelled at him.

He's still hugging me and took a deep sighs.

He let me go a minute later.

"Sorry..." He muttered that made me go nuts like ...Ugh!

"Sorry?After dragging me here..Sorry? What the--?!" I complained.

He looked at me and I am more than surprised to the next thing he did.

"I--I'm sorry..." I blankly stared at him.

"Kissing me is not really appropriate this moment..." I said. Plain as if it doesn't really matter when the truth is   it does.

"Sorry then..." He stated. I looked at him and sighed.

"Sure..." I stated and slapped him hard. "....sorry.." I stated but he just tsked.

I rose my one eyebrow.

"Not quite pleasant,right?" I asked

He sighed.

"I can't say it right now but trust me...this is for your own good..." He stated

"For my own good or yours?" I asked

He kept quiet for a while. I sighed.

"I'll  go now" I stated and leave him alone.

Third Person's POV
   Claude is now alone. It's quite relaxing as he enjoys the view where he is now.

And now that he's alone. He can't help but to be worried about Elixir's situation. Elixir ,being a clinic's patient, is not quite normal as they're always there.

He wants to protect his little euphoria whatever happens.

"What are you doing at my place?" With that he looked down and saw a little girl.

Girl that can change his life but that's another story to tell...

Vote+Comment+Share= Dedication 😂😂( and yes...I am too desperate to have one.  ) Follow me  for more stories...Lol😅😂😂

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