18: Don't Leave Me

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This day is like the usual. Ace talking to his girlfriend, flirting around. Claude is with our classmates. And I don't know why I feel so  irritated with the sight of Ace  and Clarissa and that reminds me...

I stood up and went at where Ace is.

"Can I talk to you, privately?"I asked

Ace looked at Clarissa and I saw her shaking her head. Ace looked at me sympathetically.


"Fine then. I'll just figure the answer myself." I muttered.

I went back to my seat and let the class hours passed by.
"Where are you going?" Claude asked me.

"To the Magic Shop..." I stated. Claude nodded.

"Then...I should come to..." He stated that made me looked at him.

"What?"I asked

"You heard me." He stated.

I sighed. Tsk. Fine. We went----actually we only walked since it's not that far.
We went inside the coffee shop as soon as we arrive.

"You didn't tell me Magic Shop is actually a coffee shop." Claude stated

"Well, did you asked? No..." I replied and looked around.

"JAMES! HELLO!" I greeted as soon as I saw him.

"Oh! Lexi! Didn't expect you will be here..." James stated.

"Hi!" Claude greeted

James gives Claude a nod and he gets back to his work.

"So, what did you want?" Claude asked me

" I actually wants to talk to James but seems like he's busy so we will wait..." I said

"Ahh...okay." Claude stated and got a menu. I looked at him.

"What?" He asked

"What are you trying to do?" I asked him

"Uhh...ordering?" He said

I rolled my eyes.

"Magic Shop." I said that made him looked at me. "... it's their best seller. It's good. Try it." I added

Claude smiled at me and went to the counter to order it.
"James, may I ask you something?" I stated.

"Sure.What is it?" He stated while  busy cleaning our table.

"Do you know a guy name Aizen ?" I asked him

He stopped for a second and looked at me.

"How do you know him?" He asked

I shook my head,not wanting to answer.

He sighed and continues what he's doing.

"He's my friend..." James answered that made me think.

James's friends are Rex, Jared, Jester, Jerome, Yuri and Ace. I don't know who's the one James's talking about.

And that made me thought of my dream last night.

Ace. Wait....Maybe.

No way. Ace is Aizen??

Third Person's POV

"She already has an idea." A guy stated

"Then let her wonder..." Ace answered back

"Look. When will you tell her? Or...do you have any plans to tell her?" The guy asked once again.

He sighed.

"Let her wonder, James hyung. I will not risk her life for my selfishness..." Ace answered

"Look. Are you really doing it for her or for your self? Because for me, it seems like you're doing it for you to not be able to get hurt again. " James stated that made Ace sighed.

"I seems like doing this for my sake but no. I am doing this to prevent accidents " Ace answered

James shook his head.

"Hope you'll never regret your decision...." James stated and stood up. Before he left,he stopped for a while and looked at Ace.

"Before anything else, Claude is with Lexi. Hope that changes your mind..." James stated that made Ace's heart in pain.

He's jealous. But then just like he said,this is what he wants,right?

Ace shook his head and just lied on his bed.

This will not change anything.

He should stay away from Elixir.



  I tied my hair into bun and  went to the comfort room and after that I went outside of it.

"Eli??"I looked at the one who told my old nickname.

"B...brother?" I looked at him.

Eli...is my brother. We do have the same nickname that is why I never use it. His true name is Elias and that whenever my parents talks about how great their kid is. It would be Elias. Not me.

And yes, I do have one.

"How are you ,little sis?" He asked me.

"I am fine,I guess..." I stated

He hugged me all of a sudden.

"Mom and Dad misses you so much. I miss you so much..." He stated

I don't know what to do. I mean, first of all, Elias is not clingy as he has this cold-badboy attitude and second,he told me a joke. My parents would never miss me.

But whatever. Just hope nothing happens when he's here....


"Choose, Aizen...."




"Wah! Tsk! I should have known that bitch is trying to seduce you...."



Vote+Comment+Share= Dedication 😂😂( and yes...I am too desperate to have one.  ) Follow me  for more stories...Lol😅😂😂

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