6:Boy In Luv

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Third Person's POV

  Yuri's currently  at the bench behind their building. He's in senior now and graduating....or not? He's not into books and more into fights even though he's just a transferee. He sighed and was about to stand up when...

"Let me go!" He  got his lollipop when he heard voice.

He looked at the window when he saw a lady currently talking to a guy.

"Why are you like that? You're the reason why we broke up?!"the guy yelled at her.

"Yah! Stop! A--ouch! Let me go!"The lady keeps on trying to let her arms out of the guy's grip but as you can see (or not?) she failed.

Yuri sighed once again and just jumped out of the window in order to come in.

"Let her go..."he commanded.

The guy glared at him.

"And who are you?!"The guy asked.

Yuri didn't know why is he here. He didn't even know why is he meddling in someone's  business even the lady didn't  know him.

He grabbed the lady's  arm and put his arms around her waist.

"She's  my girlfriend. " Yuri wants to punch himself.


The guy looked at him in surprise. The girl looked at him the same way. He glared at the guy.

"Don't ever hurt her again or I'll kill you..." The guy looked so afraid but still keeps his posture.

He tched and just turn around with the girl and starts walking.

"YAH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" the guy yelled at him.

He stopped and looked at the guy with a smirk.

"Min Yuri..." He saw the guy 's reaction that made him chuckled.

That was priceless.

"You can let me go now..." The lady stated once they reached her room.

"Tss." He stated as soon as he loosen his grip to the girl.

"Psh. Pervert!" The lady stated and just went inside of her room and closed the door.

"Wah! Really?? After I helped her..." He stated to himself..."Tch. Whatever." He added and just walked out.


Elixir's POV

   We all looked at Margarette as she slammed  the door and went to her seat quietly then we back to our own business.

"I saw Yuri hyung ,on my way here, seems like he came from here." Ace suddenly stated that made me looked at him.

"Am I asking you?" I asked him

"Just so you know why is she like that?" Ace pointed Margarette out.

    I looked at her and saw her face that's already as red as tomato. I looked at Ace and he just shrugged.

"Is he likes her?" I asked

Ace just shook his head and just out his earphones.

Psh. Fine! Whatever.

   The class took too long that I guess, I fell asleep. It was Ace who woke me up,saying it's already break.

And here I am, eating all alone as Raine decided to hang out with her brother.

Psh. Whatever...

"Elixir??" I looked at the girl who stated my name . Everyone calls me by my nickname, not by name, unless...

"Clarissa?" She hugged me.

"I miss you..." Clarissa stated while hugging me.

Clarissa Kim is not really my friend nor my enemy. She's just a nobody...at least to me...

"How are you?" She asked after she let me go. She never asked that before I wonder why is she asking now.

"You know,we're on the cafeteria,right? And please...1 meter distance..." I stated that made her looking like she's about to cry.

Psh. Drama queen.

"Sorry. I just missed you... " Clarissa stated.

   I smiled.

"I miss you too...." I stated with a smile.

Smile that everyone thought it's real when it's not...

Clarissa Kim.

Not my friend nor my enemy.

Just a nobody.

Yet...she can manipulate everyone around her little finger.



Third Person's POV

   Ace stopped by the hall of the cafeteria. He saw her.  This is day he knew will change his life ---again.
"YAH!  ACE! WAKE UP!" Ace glared at James . No. He's not sleeping. He's just quiet, quiet than the usual.

" He's awake, James hyung..." Jared stated

   Ace wants to thank Jared but too lazy to do it so he just kept quiet until an idea came up to him...

"Yuri-hyung..."he called that made everyone looked at Yuri.

"What?" Yuri responded

"Can I talk to you in private?" Ace asked. Yuri looked at him and sighed.

"Sure." Yuri stated and walked out of the room. Ace followed him and before he left.He heard James saying, "What's going on?".

"Now,what?" Yuri asked Ace.

   Ace got a cigarette from his pocket and lighten it with Yuri's lighter.

"Stop meddling with Margarette's life..." Ace warned that made Yuri looked at him.

"What?" Yuri asked in confusion.

"I know what you did, hyung..." Yuri ceased his forehead. Ace never calls him hyung unless it really is matter.

Yuri sighed.

"Look. If you're thinking about me,falling in love in the future,discard it. There's no way I'll fall in love with someone..." Yuri shrugged.

Ace sighed.

"I really am expecting that you will not eat your words,hyung..." Ace went inside of their room after he talked about it.

Yuri, meanwhile,is still standing at where he is. Thinking...

" Falling in love with her,huh..." Yuri stated and just went inside of their room.

I surely will not.  Yuri thought as he went to his room.

But is he really??


SO YEAH, This was supposed to be a short chapter but the ideas suddenly went back to my mind. Vote,comment and share will be really appreciated.
But if you don't want to...it's okay :) (no,it's not:( )


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