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Now that Margarette is Ace's girlfriend. I don't want to interrupt them when they are together so I decided to hang out with Claude.

And Claude is really fun to be with. He's like a combination of Jerome and Jester. That is a complete disaster because he makes me want to punch and laugh at him the same time.

"So...are we going to my "paradise" again?" Claude asked

"What? Nah. I still need to study. We have a recitation tommorow, remember?" I reminded

Claude frowned at me.

"I hate you for reminding me that." Claude whined

"Come on! You need to catch up. You failed last time, remember??" I teased him

"That makes me hate you more..." Claude stated

"Shut up! I know you love me..." I stated and he grinned in return.

"Yeah,sure. " He stated

"Ahh..I know, let's go study at the library.. " I suggested

"I am thinking the same thing but not the place though" Claude stated

"Then where?"I asked

"At your house...." Claude grinned.

I nodded.

"Okay. Sure. Be there before 6:00..." I stated

"I will not..." That made my head ceased

"What?"He's complicated, really.

" I can go now with you..." I nodded and we walked together on our way to my house.

Yeah, my house is a walking distance from school.


"Feel at..." I looked at Claude who's already sitting at my couch comfortably.

"Nevermind..." I stated and I went to my room.

I changed my clothes and tied my hair into messy bun then I wore my eyeglasses as my eyes were too tired for my contact lenses.

Yes. I do have a poor eyesight.

"Woah! Who are you? Where's Elixir?" Claude asked me. I glared at him in return.

"Do you want to study or what?" I asked him.

"But I'm hungry..." He pouts that makes him look like a duck.

"You're not cute. Stop pouting. I 'll just order some pizza and a softdrinks but while waiting, we should study alright..." I stated

"Yeah. Right." Claude stated and he opened his book.

"What the hell is x? Seriously? What's with "x" that he's still missing? Aren't he a grown up??" Claude complained as he was trying to solve a math equation I gave him.

" First, x is not a human but a number. Second, you need to understand the whole equation to solve it correctly. Lastly, stop complaining because our pizza is already here..." I stated.

I just got the pizza and a bottle of softdrinks a while ago and this "alien" is doing something that is very easy for me.

"Well,then...help me..." I rolled my eyes at him.

" I literally just told you how to solve it while ago before I get our pizza but then you choose to ignore me and solve it your own so I thought you knew it already..." I explained

"But..." I shook my head.

"Solve it or no pizza for you,mister..." I told him that he grinned for unknown reason.

"You sounds like a nagging wife..." He stated

" I am not." I stated

"You are. Trust me." Claude stated and flipped the book to the next page.

"You still don't know how to solve it..." I stated

He shook his head.

"I already knew thanks to you..." He stated

"Ouch. What was that for?" He whined after I hit him with a paper.

"For wasting my energy..." I stated
A few minutes later, Claude bid his good bye to me as it is already 9:00 p.m and I need to sleep for school tommorow. I yawned and get myself ready and sleep.


I opened my eyes and I am surprised when I saw nothing. Nothing but a darkness.

I tried to move but seems like my body is frozen that I can't move. It also feels so cold.


I looked around only to find a light that has a shape of a girl. A lady to be exact.

"Who are you?" I asked

"That doesn't matter,Elixir"

"Then why am I here? Why is it too dark?" I asked

"Don't repeat the same mistake I made."

"Mistake? What mistake?" I asked the light.

"I made him choose. That is so wrong..Elixir"

"What? I don't understand!" I almost yelled

"Please be with him..."


"Please be with Aizen"

I woke up, heavily panting to myself. I took a deep sighed as I trying to keep on my breathing phase.

What the--? Who the hell is Aizen?!

And that I officially opened the theory contest about my story plot. Joke. Just kidding. Seriously. Just kidding. Anyway,short chapter again and I'm sorry (not).

Vote+Comment+Share= Dedication 😂😂( and yes...I am too desperate to have one. ) Follow me for more stories...Lol😅😂😂

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