16:So What?

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    "Woah! Who are you?" Raine asked as soon as I sat in front of her. We're at the coffee shop which is Magic Shop ,A coffee that will heal you. Which is weird. Weird name of business that is.

   "I am Lexi." I answered and looked at the menu that is in the middle of the table.

   "They've got the weirdest name for the food and coffee. Like,what the hell is "Not Today"...". I complained

  "It is a combination of black coffee and a piece of vanilla cake, madam. "

  "Well, I know. It is written in here,thank you very much..." I sarcastically stated

    "Would you like to order, madam?" I looked at Raine, she has this surprised reaction that made me curious at what she is looking...

   "Oh? James!" I greeted. He smiled and got his note.

   "So, what are your orders, madam?" He asked me

   "Well...what about this "I Need U" ..."I answered

   "Well...a caramel macchiato and a chocolate cake...." He listed

  "You?" I asked Raine.

  "Uhh... M-magic Shop..." Raine stuttered

   James chuckles at her reaction.

  "Well,that is a strawberry frappe and a piece of banana cake..." He listed "..wait for a few minutes..." He stated and went away.

"That guy is a cutie .." Raine complements

"Yeah. Let him hear that and it will boosts his ego more..." I stated

"Anyway, why did you cut your hair? I thought you love your hair the way it was..." She stated

"I just want change so yeah...I cut my hair..." I answered.

"Yeah. Sure." She scoffed at my answer but ignore it and instead, she focused on her food.

"Wahh! Oishi!" (Delicious) she stated in Japanese.

I ignored her and continued eating my food.

"WOAH! LEXI!" I glared at Claude as soon as he saw me. Like seriously, what's the matter?

"You really did cut your hair short..." He grinned, satisfied.

Of course, he was. It was his idea after all.

"You're pretty..." I hid my face as I felt it burns even though there's no fire around (if that makes sense).

"Ah! Elixir is blushing! That's really cute..." Claude teased and I glared as a reply.

"Want me to punch you?" I asked him but he shook his head and just lead me at my seat.

"Woah! Is that you,Elixir?"

"You really are pretty!"

"Didn't know you looked so pretty with your hair short"

"Uhh..." I can't say anything as they keep on showering some compliments about me.

I looked at Claude asking for help and I am glad that he understands me this time (finally).

Claude wrapped his arms around me.

"Everyone...please let my girlfriend sit on her chair..." Claude stated that made everyone so surprised even I--myself.

Girlfriend? What is he----?

Unconsciously, my eyes lead to someone that I wish should not have look to...

It was Ace looks so happy with Clarissa. I don't know why but...it really hurts me to see them when they actually told me that they are in a relationship.


My head pangs like there's someone who hit it very hard.

"Elixir...are you okay? Lexi...LEXI!"


   ACE did notice Elixir's sudden change----actually, he did notice all of it about her.

"Aceyyy...Are you listening?" Clarissa asked him

"Uhh...sorry, what?" He asked. Clarissa pouted.

"Yah! Are you kidding me?!" Clarissa stated. He sighed.

Clarissa is demanding, selfish, brat and somewhat like Margarette. Actually more than Margarette as Margarette seems to be like...changing..(if that's possible).

"Sorry again, Rissy...I am not able to catch up with what you are talking about...." He answered.

Aceyyy and Rissy . Corny as it sounds but that is their call sign or whatever.

He stared at Elixir and Claude as Claude puts his arms to Elixir. He, on the other hand, wants to kill Claude. Like, literally.

But he shook his head and acts as if he  likes what Clarissa talks about. I mean,if he wants her to be safe then...he will be able to save them.

"Elixir...are you okay? Lexi...LEXI!" That caught his attention. Elixir is on the floor, unconscious.

He was about to stand up when Clarissa holds him back.

"Clarissa..." He coldly stated

"Don't leave me..." She said that made him think twice.

"But, Elixir...." He stated that made Clarissa blurted out.

"So what?! I am your girlfriend, am I? I am supposed to be your number one priority ." Clarissa cried.

He sighed and keeps on calming her down instead. He looked at where Elixir was but then she's gone same with Claude.

He smiled to himself bitterly.

"Then I guess, I should not be worry after all. It's different now as there is Claude..."

He sighed at his thought.


So WHAT?! Is somewhat I enjoy writing as I like what is happening now to this story. Anyway, don't forget to VOTE. COMMENT. SHARE. Lovelots~Jin Soo...😘🤗

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