Timeporter's Log #2

110 7 4

Date: May 30, 3023 (Same day)

Event # 2

If I had to choose between food poisoning and the feeling I had in that moment, I'd have chosen food poisoning without question. My eyesight took forever to adjust and my equilibrium was all over the place. There was no way I could stand on my own two feet. All I could think of was just trying to focus my brain on the sand below me. My sense of touch worked phenomenally but nothing was level to me, even though I knew it actually was, but my body couldn't find its center of gravity. No center of gravity, no balance, no control. Basic physics.

"By the masters, Ha! You did it!" the new girl said. "I actually thought we were Muckmeat, back there."

I wanted to ask what Muckmeat was but no words exited my mouth. I realized my muscles still weren't receiving any green lights from my brain. I wanted to ask for help but again nothing. I feared I had become paralyzed but I could sense her strange nonchalant demeanor around me. So maybe this random physical state I was in would eventually pass. When that would happen was a different question.

I couldn't turn to see what she was doing, but it sounded like she was looking for cell phone service or something. All I could hear were her boots trodding in the sand and she kept repeating something I didn't understand.

"This is TPMK3008, I got him...This is TPMK3008, I got him – anyone there?" She was clearly trying to contact someone but I didn't have a clue who it could be. Honestly I was hoping she would stay distracted because I probably looked like a complete moron about to hurl on the sand, unable to move.

Then she bent down in front of me and checked my eyes. "Don't force it. Your strength will start to return in a minute or two. When it does, move very slowly. Understand?"

I think I managed to moan a response that sounded more like a baboon than a human. Typical – first day I meet a gorgeous girl, who will actually talk to me longer than thirty seconds, and I have to be stuck like this. The embarrassment was worse than anything.

"Pupils are normal." She smiled slightly impressed. She tilted my head up gently and continued to examine me like I was at the doctors. Yes, her hands felt incredible on my temples, blah blah blah, you get the gist of how I felt about her. I didn't know who she was, or what she was doing to me, but in this particular moment I didn't care. It actually amazed me that she was able to move my body so easily, but I still wasn't.

"I have to say for a first time transmission you handled it like a champ." She carefully positioned me to a less embarrassing position. She was surprisingly strong, but then again, I didn't have much of a physique either. She angled me into an upright position and checked my heart rate.

"Incredible." She said more excited than she meant too, I thought. "Absolutely incredible."

"Wh—whats—g—go—going on?" I moaned.

"Save your strength." She said. "I know you have thousands of questions but first I need to carefully put your feet in front of you. It'll help your blood circulation."

This was honestly not how I expected being stranded on a beach with a gorgeous girl was going to go. I guess the saying be careful what you wish for is actually true. I felt like my grandparents would be looking down at this exact moment laughing in hysterics.

She pressed some button on her glove. "This is TPMK3008, I have Marton. Does anybody read me?" She put my arms around her, lifted me up shifting my body weight off my knees, and carefully pushed me backwards. I plopped backwards on the sand top heavy.

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