36 » Forgiveness in You

Start from the beginning

"I did love you and I still do...it's just...complicated. I-I..."

"I think...we just needed a break. We never got to explore our dislikes and likes, what a relationship was supposed to be, we weren't spending time together anymore, we married so young and immediately started working our butts off to make ends meet. I just think we needed time away for a bit, our love was fading."

"Well if our relationship was fading then why spend less time together, why not spend more time together?!"

"You know for someone who was cheating too you're being really judgemental." Ji-young's words fall out of his mouth like vapor but land in your guts as solid, stuck there. You feel your insides tear, and the blood drain from your face. You would laugh but he's deadly serious and somewhat right...

You were just as dishonest.

How do you even respond to this?

You don't.

"Judgemental? Haha, yeah, it is mental to judge. You know what, this is pointless, I don't care. I don't want to hear this shit anymore. I'm done."

"No, you want to accuse me, but where was your heart at huh?"

Again, don't give him a response. "Park Ji-Young don't call this number again."

"Don't you hang up, I want an answer!"

"...I swear to god if you call this number again there won't be any friendly pretending anymore. I am not speaking to you unless it's in court and the judge is signing off on our divorce. I'm done with you."

"Bitch, if you hang up you'll regret it-!" Ji-Young roused to shout through the phone and before you knew it your hand was across the end button and it tapped it, blandly without a single care in the world.


And then it was silence once more.

In a dark room.


Sometimes, you replay the events in your head, only a moment after, and wonder what was the right words to say. You never felt so alone and yet only one person can cure the empty feeling in your heart.

And that one person is in a god damn dentation center right now.


Then a knock came quietly first and then there was silence.

And now he's home.

The door creaks open and you hear a deep exhalation come from Taehyung's lips. The sounds of his shoes against the hardwood floor as it clicks and clicks closer to you. You wince your eyes shut, not wanting him to know you were aware of his presence. Then he walks back away from you, the drawer opens, he shifts around a bit and some more until it's still a movement for a second.

Then the footsteps come closer to the bed again and the nightstand to the right of you flicks on, a transitory brightness that you notice even with your eyes completely shut.

He stirs around in the bed behind you, wrapping his arms around your hips, his warmth would seep into your being, comforting you.

"Chan-ri, are you sleep?" He askes, planting a peck against your cheek. In the dimness his cuddles feel like a little touch of heaven, warm, together, cozy. You wish you could extend the night just so you could stay close to him for longer, safe in his embrace, however you were still completely pissed off at him for earlier.

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