Chapter 42

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The red haired boy jumped down the steps and came over to him. He stared at Bai YueSheng up and down for a while. He wasn’t stupid and so after looking he said, “There’s an adam apple, so you’re male.” Afterwards he added. “Sorry about that….”

He knew to apologize. Bai YueSheng’s mood stabilized slightly.

However this boy was still too young. He hadn’t experienced much in his life so he then went on to say, “As a guy why are you so pretty ah, you look like a girl.”

Bai YueSheng: “………………….”

Ah Jiu said seriously. “What’s wrong with earth? Why does this child want to rise up to the heavens?”

{T/N: As in if BYS kills him he’ll go to heaven…}

Jiang Yun couldn’t tolerate any more. She said with a heavy face and even her usually clear and bright voice was suppressed. “Don’t disrespect our leader!”

The red haired boy laughed “he he” and said apologetically, “I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just my honest opinion.”

This kind of attitude really it hard to get angry with him. His mouth was too blunt but his apology was also very straight forward. This attitude was very childish. It made people feel like talking with him was too cheap.

The red haired boy extended his hand to Bai YueSheng. “Hello, I’m Gong Fei.”

Bai YueSheng really wanted to retort that this was 100% a girls name but after thinking decided to be a bigger person. So he held in his temper and reached out and shook his hand. “Hello.”

The red haired boy immediately exclaimed, “So soft and slippery! Are you sure you’re not a girl?”

Bai YueSheng: “………………………………………………………………” He really wanted to send him to the heavens, but then his hand was then held so tightly by this perverted kid that his bones snapped.

Goddamn it, so painful!

Gong Fei also discovered that the hand went limp.. “I…. I didn’t use much energy ah. This… is a very normal handshake! How come it’s broken??”

Thus this extremely comedic “meeting” was ended by a doctor rushing over with splint, bandages and medicine.

Bai YueSheng and Gong Fei both had lasting impressions of each other.

Bai YueSheng: Treasure your life and stay away from me, redhead.

Gong Fei: So soft and slippery… so delicate ah!

Ah Jiu thought: If all the men in this world were like that red haired brat, then there was a chance that his so-bent-until-he-was-swirly-eyed host had a chance of becoming straight….

Although Bai YueSheng had gotten injured the result was pretty good. Gong Fei felt very guilty and immediately announced that he would hereafter take care of Bai YueSheng. In order to fulfill the mission, Bai YueSheng definitely needed to join the ranks of the superhumans. However his body was too weak, even if he could really could awaken an ability, it wasn’t convenient for him to do anything. So he needed his own people around him to help him.

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