Chapter 21

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Bai YueSheng: “….”

What should he do? Although as an experienced transmigrator, Bai YueSheng had had countless romances and his ex-boyfriends weren’t few, however every single time he had been loyal for that entire lifetime. Even if his feelings weren’t real, each time he had treated the person who shared his pillow well!

But now he suddenly realized that he hadn’t treated Neil Maine well at all.

The evidence was clear. The black dragon’s feelings for him was very deep. The so-called white lotus was completely made up. Although he couldn’t figure out when he had fallen in love, but from analyzing the memories of the little flower sprite he could conclude that Neil Maine loved him miserably, so much so that he had lost all reason, to the point of blindness and the total disregard of everything else.

The most damning thing was, this black dragon’s emotions were hidden very deep. He seemed to have realized that Bai YueSheng could only give away his body and not his heart, so he deliberately hid his feelings of love, afraid that if it was exposed then Bai YueSheng would turn tail and run away, then they couldn’t even be f* buddies anymore.

He had hidden these emotions so deep, suppressed them for more than a hundred years….

Bai YueSheng thought from his perspective and felt that this black dragon had already entered an advanced stage of mental disease… what did that mean? It meant simply that he was extremely dangerous!
Bai YueSheng really didn’t know what he ought to say.

If he said he knew then that meant he understood Neil Maine’s feelings, realized that he had loved him for so many years, realized that he had even abandoned the quest for revenge that he wanted so much… But even if he knew all this, there was no way to return his feelings. The black dragon was already not the same as the one from before, if he now blackened, then how would Bai YueSheng be able to deal with it?

One Qiu ChangFeng had already made his head split with pain, if there was now a blackened dragon… then would those twenty years of being imprisoned become a “peaceful life” by comparison?

Then should he say he didn’t know? However Bai YueSheng had a strange feeling that the whole time his acting was completely transparent to Neil Maine. Otherwise how could he have tested him so many times but every single time Neil was able to come through undetected? He obviously loved him to death but he was able to convince Bai YueSheng for a hundred years that he was “two penis” playboy that never gave away his heart…

This was too scary!

You should know that in the nine worlds Bai YueSheng had travelled to, nobody had been able to hide something from him for this long.

What should he do?

Suddenly at that moment, something he didn’t know whether to classify as good or bad happened.

From outside there was the piercing cry of cicadas.

This was the warning sound of an enemy attack!

Bai YueSheng got up and walked down the steps asking, “What happened?” The change of subject was very natural.

Neil Maine frowned at him, however his attention was also distracted by the alarm sounds from outside.

Right now the nine races of the Sienn continent had been unified. Although the relationships between the clans still needed some work, but there shouldn’t be any large scale conflicts.

Especially in the new elven territory. Because of Bai YueSheng’s presence, Neil had placed many secret strong guards, powerful magicians, as well as many complex traps designed by the dwarven engineers.

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