Chapter 15

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After hearing this Bai YueSheng understood. Falling in love was fake. Wanting an f* buddy was real.

And since this f* buddy could also help him him outrage the dragon clan he hated  the most, then it can be considered hitting two birds with one stone.

Because of his black dragon status Neil Maine had been cast out from the dragon clan. According to the stories his childhood was very tragic and he had almost died numerous times. In the end he only survived because of the innate strength and great tenacity of the dragonkind. Now he had increased his strength and had his own territory to rival that of the dragon lands, and can be considered a capable person.

The harder he had to work to live well then the deeper his hate was for the clan that had abandoned him.

Since the dragon clan hated the elvenkind to the extent that every generation wished to wipe them out, then he would find an elf as a lover. The biggest motivation was probably to disgust to death those high and mighty Dragon Elders living on their island.

Bai YueSheng carefully considered it and thought this plan was acceptable.

Neil Maine had the type of strength that even other dragons couldn’t deny, then he definitely had his own development path as well as connections. If they were f* buddies then they could mutually benefit from each other, it wasn’t a bad thing.

In any case Bai YueSheng was sick of this world’s ridiculous setting anyway.

Since he was an elf there was no way in this lifetime he would be able to establish any kind of friendly relationship with the dragonkind. Since they weren’t open to a calm discussion, then he had no choice but to resort to violence.

The mission goal was to “find the golden dragon”, it didn’t say anything about having to be friends with the golden dragon.

If he turns the entire dragon clan upside down then he doesn’t believe this golden dragon won’t appear!

So these two people came to an agreement, and swiftly rolled into bed together.

The memories ended here. Bai YueSheng didn’t keep thinking about what happened after because right now he was preoccupied with trying to figure out why Neil Maine came to his world.

From the beginning to the end the two of them were simple f* buddies. Neil Maine wouldn’t go to the extent of pining after his f* buddy so much that he would break through the space-time barrier and chase him here, would he?

This was too illogical. He didn’t believe it at all.

But right now he should distance himself from Third Master Jiang, otherwise if he continued to stimulate him, this poor child might go crazy.

Bai YueSheng pulled Neil Maine out of the bathroom. He wanted to leave with him quickly but the person next to him was too dazzling, even though he was wearing the so-called “plain” clothes, he was still immediately the focus of other people’s attention.

Everywhere they walked other people’s eyes would follow them. Neil Maine didn’t seem like he found this uncomfortable at all, he even quirked his lip, his small smile caused a succession of sounds of intaken breaths.

Bai YueSheng was a little bit worried about his fame value…

{T/N: Previously translated as “popularity” value, umm both are accurate so I’ll just leave it. Basically just means he can’t become too well-known.}

If he didn’t leave right away then he would end up like this flashy black dragon, in one stroke becoming famous under the heavens.

After leaving the bar, Bai YueSheng found an empty alley and finally was able to find the opportunity to properly reminisce.

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