• kazuichi x reader [built up anger] •

Start from the beginning

"yea, okay. point made."

and so you and kazuichi scrambled to your next class, arguing like a bunch of 5 year olds who couldn't decide who should get the last piece of candy. luckily, you weren't to late to your next class, but it was a small bit embarrassing to be the last person in class. kazuichi didn't seem to mind. 


after surviving the test that you thought you missed, it was time for lunch! lunch was probably one of your most favorite and most least part of the day. on one side, you were able to hang out with kazuichi and a few more of your friends without being interrupted by the teachers. the bad side? s o n i a... that girl constantly got on your nerves. although kazuichi never saw it, you could tell sonia only ever interacted with kazuichi to manipulate him into doing stuff she didn't want to do. you hated her, but doing anything that required calling her out or confronting her would result in her telling kazuichi and you losing his friendship forever. yea. 

your heads swirling with thoughts, you finally got your lunch and sat down with your friends. you were the last one there, and everyone looked at your with friendly eyes. there sat leon kuwata, one of kazuichi's best friends, rantaro amami, a chill but interesting dude, and kaede akamatsu, who just so happened to have a crush on rantaro (even though it seemed like rantaro would be the opposite of 'interesting' for kaede). your little friend group was... odd, but you liked it that way. 

"so, (y/n), care to tell us why you and kazuichi were late for math?" kaede asked, laughing while doing so. kazuichi pulled the grey beanie over his eyes, mumbling. you scoffed and pushed him softly in the stomach.

"well, if you really wanna know, this retard let me sleep through the whole class, and told me that school was almost over. so yea, blame him." you said while taking a sip of bottled water. "yall are lucky, you dont have to deal with his stupidness the whole day. i was unlucky to get all classes with him." 

leon just took a long sip of his energy drink, which was actually illegal on school grounds, but hey, he didnt care. "yep, thats kazuichi for you." he chuckled, flashing off his bright smile. you smiled back, but it was almost obvious it was fake.

about 5 minutes passed, and everyone was chatting happily. you inputted your thoughts every couple words, but really, it was to just distract you from the returning hatred. at the most random points of the day, something someone said would end up triggering the words. it almost felt real, hearing them seep into your head as if someone was whispering them to you. 

"your nothing. your useless. you do nothing to contribute to society. your a fake. you-"


you shook your head, clearing your mind. it was odd that the word 'souda' was the thing to stop the thoughts. you laughed softly, thinking about your crush on the mechanic. turning your head, your day went from decent to horrible. and there she was, the ultimate princess, sonia nevermind. you watched from the corner of your eye, hatred building up in your chest. this would be the day you would call that... that... horrible manipulative thing. 

"oh! yes miss sonia~?" kazuichi responded sweetly. a weird feeling in your stomach aroused, and you knew what it was. with a groan, you turned your head away to see rantaro and kaede looking at you with the same annoyed face. they knew of your crush on kazuichi and they also both hated the way sonia treated their friend, everyone seemed uncomfortable now.

"kazuichi, could you help me with my math homework? i'm quite busy, and your really good at math!' sonia slurred her words happily, the sweetness in her voice was sickening. you hated this woman. the hearts in kazuichi's eyes were large and sparkling, 

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