• kazuichi x reader [built up anger] •

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Notes from your lovely author; i hate writing stories on a phone. jfhsbshs but ill deal with it. This was a request from my lovely friend Snowflakesparklegore !! Ive been wanting to write a Kazuichi x reader soon, so it feels pretty good owo. Hope you all enjoy~!

Warnings; aaaaa cussing and the reader uses lots of not good words!!!




"jeez (y/n)! I'm... I'm so tired of you! Will you just go away already? No one here likes you, get it through your thick head!"

Those words rung through your head constantly. Toxicity always filled your thoughts, even when you didn't want to. You had a tendacy to recall the bullying and sadness that you were forced to deal with in middle school, even though you were always up for positive vibes.

Resting your head on your desk, you silently awaited for the bell to ring. Small tears began to welp in the corners of your eyes, even though you tried your best to stop it. You never wanted to cry, especially since you had to stay happy for him.

When you say him, you mean your best friend, ever since 6th grade, Kazuichi Souda. He was a quirky guy, yes, but you trusted him with your whole life. he's been there for you through thick and thin, even if it meant helping him to the point where it hurt you. there was another thing sadly, which was your blatant excuse of a crush on the magenta haired man. he was love struck for the ultimate princess, who you had to admit was a bit rude and ungrateful, even going to the point of unacknowledged the existence of kazuichi for that hot topic obsessed gargoyle named gundam. it made you mad, but never the less you shouldn't interfere and hurt kazuichi even more than sonia was. your thoughts were constantly jumbled up. 

a small tap on your shoulder made you jump from your resting position. the weird hot feeling of your skin coming off the desk made you feel a bit nice as you looked up, seeing no one in the room. "pssh, hey (y/n), finally decided to wake up?" the soothing voice comforted your mind, filling it with total bliss. 

"yea yea whatever, did the class just dismiss?" you asked groggily, standing up with a sudden rush of pain reaching your head, recognizing the feeling as the blood flowing. the busy black grains softly dimmed, making you rub your temples.

kazuichi sighed, almost sounding like he was just about to break bad news. "man... i don't know what to tell ya, school is almost over. teach told me to let you sleep in, i think in about ten minutes the last bell is gonna ring." he rubbed the back of his head in a apologetic gesture. "but hey, atleast you got to sleep most of the day!"

your eyes were wide with surprise. "y-your kidding me, right?"

"sorry, its the truth..."

"god damnit! you idiot i had a test to take today! why the hell would you do that? do you realize that i might get a F on that te-"

"geez (y/n)! stop yelling!!" kazuichi covered your mouth with his hands after you started yelling, especially after you said a few cuss words. "it was a joke calm down!! you might actually get us in trouble! class just let out!" he managed to say from your straggling arms.

with a huff and a scrunched up face, you give him a hard punch in the chest. "damn you kazuichi! you can't do those types of things! i hate you so much." you grabbed your booksack, suddenly feeling quite refreshed. rushing over to the door, you saw that a few students were still rushing to get to there class. "come on, we might still make it." 

kazuichi came up behind you and sighed, shoving you into the hall. "come on then, we better hurry. geez your pushy..." he growled.

"so? i have the right to be after the stupid ass joke you pulled."

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